DIE Vertrauensfrage

Ich hatte etwas,
War es gestern? Meine habe es auch heute wiederholt!?

WIRD es gewisse parallelen geben…
Zwischen D. Trump und Abraham Lincoln?
Die Zeit wirds zeigen,
Fakt ist…
Es hat den Anschein man ist noch nicht fertig mit ihm,
Stelle die Vertrauensfrage(!)

Ahhh lasst mal die anstehenden Hamburg Wahlen bei Seite, aktuell die SPD bei…
Nicht schlecht SELBST für die Sozis…
Demokraten!??? Önder wovon träumst du nachts?

Nein nein,
Glaube NICHT dran, dass DAS der Grund ist…
Vielmehr denke ich…
Man(n) ist noch nicht fertig UND WENN es eine Mumie IST

„Welcome to the IIA Sioux Falls Chapter
​​Welcome to the Sioux Falls, SD Chapter of the IIA! Established in 1941, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is an international professional association with global headquarters in Lake Mary, Florida, USA. The IIA is the internal audit profession’s global voice, recognized authority, acknowledged leader, chief advocate, and principal educator. Members work in internal auditing, risk management, governance, internal control, information technology audit, education, and security.

Globally, The IIA has more than 185,000 members. The IIA in North America comprises 160 chapters serving more than 70,000 members in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean (Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Turks & Caicos), Bermuda, Guyana, and Trinidad & Tobago. Members enjoy benefits offered by the North American Service Center including local, national, and global professional networking; world-class training; certification; standards and guidance; research; executive development; career opportunities; and more. Internal auditors throughout North America enjoy free members-only webinars and national conferences such as the General Audit Management Conference, the Governance, Risk, and Control (GRC) Conference, and the All-Star Conference. The IIA’s Audit Executive Center provides chief audit executives relevant and timely thought leadership and connections to peers for benchmarking and sharing best practices. And resources such as IIA Quality Services make The Institute an indispensable partner to you and your organization.​​“


Ich weiß NICHT,

Na klar, WAS SONST könnte es sein?

es WIRD NOCH interessant

Wahnsinnigen Hunger,
KANN nix ESSEN. Mein…

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