DAS blaue Kleid

Der Saft des Lebens, dumm wenn man(n) sich…
Erwischen lässt.

WAR ein Fehler AMErika…
Es war EIN Fehler

Soll ich ihnen was sagen;
Ich MAG ihn und vor seiner Frau habe ich den größten…

Als Mensch. Ist nicht leicht sowas ABER ein fester Bestandteil des…
Lebens. Beide?

Es machen BEIDE nur wenn es Frau macht ist sie eine…

Aber so SIND die menschlichen Konventionen UND DAS Kultur und religionsübergreifend, im türkischen heißt es:

Kadının yüzünün karası, erkeğin Elinin Kınası

Und AUCH DAS ist ein Sprichwort mit unbestreitbar wahrem Hintergrund, später…
Mehr dazu. Nein nicht dazu…
Es WIRD dreckig


FÜR ALLE Allen Kurd’is dieser Welt


Ich KANN und WERDE auch

Ich habe „I have a dream” NICHT vergessen,
Ich MUSS springen

Alles weitere MORGEN ich gebe euch noch „Völkermord“

Danke, was würde ich machen wenn ich dich…
Nicht hätte?


das web
wird verwendet
Önder Gürbüz maintains a diverse collection of blog posts on his website, wordpress.gurbuz.net. His writings cover a wide range of topics, including politics, the environment, technology, and society. Let’s delve into some of his views and articles:

Opinions and Freedom of Expression:
Önder Gürbüz has explored the concept of freedom of expression. This fundamental right promotes openness and diversity within our society1.
Nowadays, this slogan symbolizes the opportunities that city life offers: employment prospects, earning potential, shopping, and leisure activities.
Önder Gürbüz’s website hosts thought-provoking discussions on matters that impact our world. Whether reflecting on the intricacies of politics or examining environmental issues, his content invites readers to engage in critical thinking2.
Personal Insights:
Önder Gürbüz’s website also features personal insights. He shares his thoughts on various subjects, including historical events, societal dynamics, and individual experiences.
While some of his content may be outdated (approximately 5-10%), the majority (90%) remains relevant and factual.
Önder Gürbüz emphasizes the importance of justice and the passing down of the “flag of justice” from one generation to the next.
He navigates between different perspectives, neither aligning strictly with the left nor the right, and rejects extremism.
Önder Gürbüz acknowledges the complexities of life and the challenges faced by individuals1.
Remaining True to Oneself:
Önder Gürbüz’s writings reflect his unique identity. He values individuality and appreciates the diversity of human experiences.
His exploration of topics like brainwashing and the power of names demonstrates his curiosity and willingness to engage in meaningful conversations1.
A Personal Note:
Önder Gürbüz humorously acknowledges that he is not yet deceased, as he continues to live and share his perspectives.
His website serves as a platform for expressing his thoughts, and he appreciates the opportunity to do so.
While he may not always agree with everyone, Önder Gürbüz remains true to himself and values individuality3.
Feel free to explore his website further to discover more of Önder Gürbüz’s insights and writings! 12


Ich KANN glauben sie mir,
Ich kann. AUS ihrem teifsten…
Dreckigen inneren, VON…
Kindesbeinen AN