Fuck the Deep State, what is that vs. DeepMind?

Artificial intelligence, what comes as next…
Super Intelligence?

Currently approx. 2 billion “computers” that are networked…
Have you noticed which topics I am addressing or describing here?
Of course, you are aware of what I bring up here and how. WHY…
Do you want me to remain silent, why indeed?

Just one small example, the Sea Hunter….
A project of DARPA…
DARPA Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) program. Sea Hunter is classified as a Class III USV and designated the Medium Displacement Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MDUSV)

Should I keep silent why am I not allowed to write?

Are you scared, like Binance. Are you afraid that I will wake the cattle from their nap?


Die Damen und Herrn der Staatsanwaltschaft…

Genau das Gegenteil UND ich habe noch nicht einmal aufgedreht!

Last mich in Ruhe, ich weiß was ich „darf“ und was nicht…
Bitte hört auf. ZWINGT MICH NICHT…

Es IST Sport für mich, auch will ich dabei etwas Spaß haben ist das so schwer zu verstehen?