Let’s Dance


21:31 Welt Nachrichten

Gott sei Dank, Hoffnung auf Frieden!

Lasst mich in Ruhe!


230 MILYAR dolar mıydı, SENELER ÖNCE açıklanan zarar?
Galiba öyleydi, rakam hafızam…
Suriye, SURIYE!

Oluyor bir iki…
100 milyar ZARAR Ukrayna’da…
VERILEN borçlar falan…
Yemen versaire…
Aloooo Suudi Arabisatan…
Yaşadı vallahi AMerika!

Veee yine AMerika faiz yükselti, ne yapacak şimdi Lagarde?
Aslında pohuuuuuuuuu yemeli, göreceğiz gelişmeleri çünkü ambargo…

Ne demiştik?
Tarihi bilmeli, böyle bir EKONOMIK BUNALIMDAN SONRA…
Yıkım gerekli ki toparlanasın!

Tabiii tarih bilgisi…
Müslüman KalleşLERI de bizlere göstermiştir…

BM açıklamalarını…
Açlık yolda, YENISI zaten kardeşim…
Dert etme!

270 bin YENI!!!

Sıra sende!

China everything depends on you, be safe, standsafe

Sadece O mu? Yeni uyandım, uyukluyordum, oldu iki, üç saat

Cogito, ergo sum

Birleşmiş Milletler yüksek mahkemesi kararı, “Rusya…
HEMEN Ukrayna’dan çık”
Rus’unda çok bilmem nesindeydi?

>>> AMA YASAL zemin hazırlığı <<<

ADI badem bir türlü öğretemediğim!


Türkçe yazarken SADECE…
CIA falan, KIMIN affedersiniz SIKINDE?
Almanca yazmaya başladım…

>>> ? <<<

Araziye uy denildiğinde uyacaksın. Peygamber Efendimiz bile demiş uy diye, UY!


>>> Takibinde olsun <<<

>>> Takip et <<<

„WHO-Untersuchung: Covid-Ursprung nicht auf Markt in Wuhan“

Af edin ihmal değil, değer vermemek MECBURIYET. Unutmayın SADECE bir çeyrek
Oturduğum yerde, oturduğum yerden!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂

Offf sol TARAFIM, yine YASTIK…

>>> Üç haber <<<

Cogito, ergo sum

Kusura bakmayın, ilgilenemedim…
Bir gözüm hep Türkiye’de.

Ne, neden, nasıl…

Birinci haber, Japonya’da deprem oldu. Ciddiye alınmalı, takibimde
İkincisi Financial Times yazdı…
Ukrayna ve Rusya 15 maddelik bir barış planı üzerinde çalışıyormuş. ZATEN piyasalar bu haberi doğrular niteliğinde.

Stoltenberg konuştu demin, ILK defa RESMEN Rusya’yı “rakip, düşman” olarak niteledi.

SORAR Önder kendine…
Neden ölüyor, öldü bu kadar insan?

Aslında yazmam GEREKENLER var…

Önlemler devreye sokulup…
Yeni bir strateji geliştirilmeli. IBNELER*

* Humid guys

Friede, freude und Einerkuchen… auf ein türkisch Kaffeee

Cogito, ergo sum

Versteht mich BITTE…
Man kann dienen…
Ich hatte es geschreiben, ich kann tödlich genau…
Objektif sein. Nimmt mich wörtlich…
Auch das hatte ich verkündert…
Im zweifel WER HAT RECHT?

Ein beispiel, kam heute Morgen in CNN-Türkiyeli…
MACHT der gewohnheit CNN- Türk natürlich…
Ein Türke…
Kämpft auf Ukrainischer Seite, ein Geschäftsmann…
KEIN Söldner…
Hat eine Ukrainische Frau, und zwei Kinder…
Auch das ist eine Eigenart von uns Türken…
MIT 3 bin ich gekommen…
Ein großteil meines lebens hat sich HIER abgespielt…
Ich MUSS wissen für wenn und WAS ich in den kampf ziehen müsste…
AUF KEINEN FALL für die Amis!

Sowohl für das Land wo ich geboren wurde als auch das Land in dem ich satt werde!

Ich und in den Kampf ziehen, ich kann kaum auf den Beinen stehen…
Köpfchen funktionier noch, meistens jedenfalls.

Furschtbare schmerzen…
Deshalb diese vielen korekturen.


PS: Vorher was ich geschreiben habe VOLLER rechtschreib Fehler. Seht es mir NICHT nach. Es geht mir WIRKLICH nicht gut. Ich habe es auch etwas falsch formuliert, „das ERSTE“ was die Russen gemacht haben var die „komunukationsmöglichkeiten“ und die Luft abwehr auszuschalten. Es ist EIN dreckiges Spiel, SEHR DRECKIG. Bitte lasst euch nicht verarschen.

Wird im übrigen GENAU SO im Cyber WarFARE gemacht. Deshalb damals bei der BundesBank in Frankfurt…
Was interessieren mich in diesem MOMENT die Daten, wozu hat man „eine“ Datensicherung?
Was verloren kann man nachpflegen…
WICHTIG ist in diesem MOMENT das ganze abzufangen!

Aprobo Datensicherung…
Ihr wisst ja…


You will fuck me? Try it

Cogito, ergo sum

Musste SEIN!

„Pay attention to cyberattacks, military exercises, and evacuations of non-combatants
Through the beginning of January, the Russian military had deployed tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of pieces of armor to its border with Ukraine. That’s a threatening force to be sure, but not a combined armed force that would be able to fight the type of high-intensity, multi-domain conflict that we would anticipate between Russia and Ukraine. Russia had not deployed crucial combat platforms and enabling capabilities and units, including modern fighters and air-defense systems; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and electronic-warfare systems; and logistics and combat-sustainment capabilities and units.

Over the past week, however, Russia has addressed these shortcomings, setting the conditions to execute a multi-domain attack on Ukraine should that be Putin’s decision.

First, Belarus and Russia announced a large-scale joint military exercise, called Allied Resolve 2022, near the Ukrainian border. This type of exercise can serve two major purposes. First, it provides a cover for Russia to deploy high-end military capabilities to the region. To that end, Russia announced the deployment of advanced fighters (Su-35) and air-defense systems (S-400 long-range surface-to-air missile systems and Pantsir-S1 short-range air-defense systems) to Belarus to take part in the exercise. Second, the exercise, which is scheduled from February 10-20, provides Russia an opportunity to conduct an operational rehearsal of combined arms missions or their subcomponents. This exercise is the type of cover action I would plan if I were looking to execute a large-scale military operation.

Additionally, Russia recently deployed other critical combat capabilities to the region, including thirty-six Iskander-K medium-range ballistic-missile systems, as well as critical combat enablers such as ISR-collection and electronic-warfare platforms, and combat sustainment units and capabilities, including munitions, medical support, and security services.

Late last week, we also saw cyberattacks on Ukrainian government websites that were tied to a hacker group linked to Belarusian intelligence. It’s unlikely that the purpose of this attack was simply to deface Ukrainian government websites. It is highly likely that these cyber actors were testing accesses and leaving backdoors into various networks and websites that will be exploited in the immediate pre-invasion timeframe.

Another major signal of imminent military activity is the New York Times report that Russia is slowly evacuating its embassy in Kyiv. Though Moscow has denied the report, it is likely that Russia has begun to reduce its footprint of non-combatants within Ukraine. As the Times authors indicate, this move could be propaganda, a feint, or preparation for conflict, but it is likely driven by each of these considerations. As we saw in the hasty non-combatant evacuation from Kabul, Afghanistan in August, removing civilians and family members is a huge task and one that should not be rushed. The evacuation of non-combatants is often one of the last pre-operation actions because it can be an unambiguous indicator of imminent military action.

The reported cyberattacks in Norway and drones spotted near Swedish nuclear plants are similarly troubling. Though there are no established links between these events and the ongoing Ukraine crisis, it is likely that these actions are a part of Russia’s larger hybrid-warfare campaign targeting the United States and its allies and partners in the region. Expect this to continue, and even ramp up, as the United States and its allies and partners identify more activities that Russia is likely already conducting.

The bottom line is that Russia has already deployed the combat forces and systems, enablers, and sustainment capabilities to fight a multi-domain conflict. It has begun hybrid warfare activities that will support possible military action. Finally, it has announced military exercises that can and likely will be used as a cover to deploy more high-end forces and capabilities to the region—and to conduct a mission rehearsal for possible combat operations. While we do not know if Putin has decided to conduct another large-scale military operation in Ukraine, he has certainly set the conditions for such military action.

—Lt. Col. Tyson K. Wetzel is the 2021-2022 senior US Air Force fellow at the Scowcroft Center.

Keep your eyes on Russia’s reserves
Russia has roughly a million active-duty soldiers and about 250,000 reserves. Its army has about 280,000 troops. Ukraine has about 250,000 active forces and another 250,000 reserves. Roughly 180,000 of its active forces are in the army. Given the relative size of the two militaries, Russia is going to need to call up reservists out of civilian life if it is serious about invading and occupying all or most of Ukraine. That’s going to have an economic impact and cause discontent among the public, so Moscow is unlikely to do it unless it’s serious.

Moving active forces around is one thing; that’s par for the course. The United States moves its own active-duty units around the country constantly during exercises. Pulling people out of civilian life—moms, dads, teachers, first responders—and deploying them for an unknown amount of time is a very different level of commitment. There are unconfirmed reports in the news that this is happening, but that could be deliberate disinformation by the Russians to give the world the impression that an attack is imminent.

The move of Russian amphibious ships from the Baltic Sea toward the Black Sea is another overt action that does not make much sense militarily unless Russia is trying to convince NATO that Moscow plans to invade. It would be much easier and less detectable to move the forces onboard those ships internally by rail than to have them travel through the English Channel, Strait of Gibraltar, and Bosporus, all of which are controlled by NATO allies. Amphibious assaults are among the most complicated and costly of military operations, and the Russians have never mounted one in their history. With the large land border Russia shares with Ukraine, such a risk makes no sense.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine eight years ago and occupied close to 7 percent of its territory, Ukraine has benefited from billions of dollars in US defense aid and is much better prepared for a Russian offensive than it was in 2014. The Russians are sophisticated opponents, but the Ukrainians are competent and they do not have any other security concerns that will divide their attention and their forces from resisting a Russian invasion. The Ukrainians will also have a much easier time of mobilizing their reserves if they have not already. Their population is likely much more in favor of resisting a Russian invasion—even if it means reserve mobilization—than the Russian population is about attacking Ukraine. Logistically, the Ukrainians are also able to deploy more quickly based on the distances involved.

Russia knows all of this. Yet rather than try to quietly engage in a military buildup and regain some element of surprise, it is telegraphing to everyone that it plans to launch a challenging mid-winter offensive that risks its mechanized forces getting bogged down in a March thaw if it does not achieve rapid success. There’s a lot of discussion about the consequences that the West will impose on Russia if the Kremlin takes such action, but there’s a very good chance that Ukraine imposes even greater costs in blood and treasure if Moscow continues this course. It is not a foregone conclusion that Russia wins this battle if it chooses to fight it, and Russia could potentially not even hold on to the Ukrainian territory that it has already occupied.

I think Russia is testing Western resolve given how few ramifications it suffered after its military invasion of Ukraine in 2014 and in light of the recent Western military withdrawal from Afghanistan. This suggests to me that Putin will stop short of a full-scale invasion and use this most recent provocation to try to divide the United States and its allies.

—Col. John B. Barranco is the 2021-2022 senior US Marine Corps fellow at the Scowcroft Center.

Look out for sub-zero temperatures and medical prep
Russia will want favorable weather conditions for moving around heavy armor, which is why we should be looking for weather reports that the ground is fully frozen and a good stretch of sub-freezing temperatures. Weather conditions in Ukraine are not optimal for a Russian ground attack with heavy forces right now, and there is a short window before the normal March thaw. The ground is not fully frozen yet due to a mild winter; even if it does freeze in the next two to four weeks, that only gives the Russians a maximum of one to two months until March. When the ground thaws, heavy forces would slow significantly, extending the invasion timeline and making it a riskier campaign.

We also haven’t seen any evidence that Russia is making final medical preparations for a ground invasion. If it intends to attack Ukraine with a heavy force, the presence of large amounts of medical equipment and manned mobile field hospitals will be an indicator. Field ambulances are easy to identify because of the red crosses. There have been sporadic reports of Russian field hospitals, but we should be looking for reports that they are fully manned with medical personnel. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be a difficult decision to pull medical personnel from civilian or garrison hospitals for a feint or a training exercise.

—Col. Benjamin G. Johnson is the 2021-2022 senior US Army fellow at the Scowcroft Center.

Watch the waters around Odesa
Russia appears to have recently rerouted amphibious forces loaded with equipment and personnel from the Northern and Baltic fleets to the Black Sea. This mirrors its actions in March and April 2021, when the world was similarly concerned about an invasion of Ukraine and the naval deployment provided reinforcements and resupply. It’s worth noting that Russia has never conducted an opposed amphibious landing in its history. This effort would be foolhardy without significant investment in training and landing exercises. However, it is just as foolhardy to assume away a threat. What is more likely is that Russian amphibious forces are conducting a feint to draw Ukrainian ground forces away from the main effort, which would likely be in the north and central parts of the country with the objective to capture Kyiv.

The Ukrainian Black Sea port of Odesa is a strategic prize second only to Kyiv. Russia may attempt to blockade Odesa at the beginning of a conflict and hold that position until its ground forces can assert control there. Russian naval incursions into Ukrainian territorial waters around Odesa could be a sign of Russia’s intent to escalate. If Russia can take Odesa, this would cut Ukraine off from any sea lines of communication or maritime resupply with the rest of the world. Additionally, if Russia controlled Ukraine’s ports, amphibious forces could move personnel and equipment closer to the front lines faster while leapfrogging over some roadblocks that its ground forces will face in southern Ukraine.

The question remains: Has Russia lost the element of surprise, or do its current moves constitute an attempt to preserve it? Russia has conducted a large buildup of forces on the Ukrainian border twice in less than a year. Any military strategist knows how critical the element of surprise is to success. If you don’t have surprise, then the only substitute is overwhelming odds. And Russia has neither. If Russia were to attack this winter, it would have only a minimal level of surprise.

However, there is an alternate view to consider: that Putin is the boy who cried wolf. Each time Russia conducts a large exercise, it gives the Russian leader a platform to push his agenda with NATO while simultaneously sending a message to his people about the need for further action. If Russia doesn’t attack Ukraine this time, will the United States and European countries send aid to Ukraine during future Russian military buildups? Or will they soften their approach and fall into the trap of taking a wait-and-see attitude? If the latter occurs, then Russia may regain some of the element of surprise in a future buildup. “

Will Russia make a military move against Ukraine? Follow these clues.

Wahrheit MUSS Wahrheit bleiben, die…
Auch wenn es Bitter ist die realiät sollte NICHT verwaschen werden.

Glaubt mir…
Seit „Kindesbeinen“ an…
NSA ja…
Sag mal spinne ich?

Ich hatte es AUSFÜHRLICH im türkischen erklärt…
Ihr wiss die S400 diskusyon, das prooblem zwischen der Türkei und der NATO, verzeicung…
Der USA…
L U E T E…
Wusstet IHR das Israil…
>>> Das EINZIGE Land auf der Welt ist <<<
Das die erlaubniss hat die „software“ der…
F35 zu verändern?

EIN MUSS, ja ein MUSS…
Diese KLEINEN schwarzen Käfer OHNE die es NICHT GEHT…
Die Chip produktion…
Habt ihr eine Ahnung, auch NUR DIE entpernste Ahnung von dem was man alles machen kann?

Jungs, liebe kollegen von der Strato…
Ich sage nur Remote Access!

Behaart die Ukraine auf „Luftraum abspeerung“
Weil sie ihre eigenen S300 verschoßen haben, ich glaube nicht das sie im besitz von S400 sind…
Habe ich NICHT nachgeprüft.

„Greece Can Help Ukraine by Sending its Russian S300s, US General Says“

Greece Can Help Ukraine by Sending its Russian S300s, US General Says

„Ich wäre ein Drogensüchtiger“
So der vorwurf(!)

Aber natürlich…
Bin ich NICHT Tod, noch „lebe“ ich.

„White House under pressure from Congress and Zelensky to find ways to deliver Soviet-made weapons to Ukraine“


ICH BRAUCHE auf Teufel komm raus, Öffentlichkeit…
Unterstützung sonst sehe ich für mich und meine Familie Schwarz!

Habe ich mich NICHT an die Presse gewant…
NOCH habe nicht einmal ANGEFANGEN, noch nicht!

„Russia’s missile troops eliminate Ukrainian S-300 system — Russian Defense Ministry
According to Igor Konashenkov, over the past 24 hours, Russia’s aviation and air defense have downed four Su-27 aircraft and one MiG-29 near Zhitomir, one Su-27 and one Su-25 aircraft near Radomyshl, one Su-25 aircraft near Nezhin and two Mi-8 helicopters near Kiev“


Vorläufige Sendepause, muss Reaktionen abwarten. Kann ne weile dauern

Cogito, ergo sum

Liebe Kollegen ich brauche euere Unterstützung

Das war…
NEIN nicht das Wort zum Sonntag
Das SIND die Worte eines…

Mann, Mann…

Wenn ich schonmal dabei bin, hatte ich heute Morgen vorbereitet, rausgesucht. JA raus…
Nicht ausgesucht…

WEDER für NOCH gegen



Ein Tier??? 😊 😊😉 jaaa sicher(!)

Yine ölümler, trombozlar falan… HEPSINDE görülüyor, hepsinde. Tüm aşılarda. Yaaa EVET unutmadım ama fırsat yok, yetişemiyorum. Şu kadarın desem SADECE Amerikan askeriyesinin dünya çapındaki GÜNLÜK faaliyetleri TÜM insanlığın yarattığı, galiba bir sene içindeydi, eşdeğer. AMA o küçük … böyle şeyleri dile getirmez tabii!

Geschätzt wird das Vermögen von Greta Thunberg von seriösen Quellen übrigens auf rund zwei Millionen Euro (Stand 2021)

Lest ruhig mal nach…
WAS ICH geschrieben, BEVOR solche Meldungen ans Tageslicht kamen…
Lange bevor!

Als Recherche Hilfe…
Ich nenne sie fast immer NUR Greta


ntv 11:47 bis 11:49…
Ich BIN erstaunt, ja ich staune NUR NOCH…
Das ist es was ich erwarte…
Eine realistische Berichterstattung, BRAVO…
Die Kriegskunst WILL gelernt sein…
Und JA die Russen sind besser als berichtet…
Und JA selbst und GERADE der nicht konventionelle Krieg WILL besonders gelernt sein.

50 Staaten incl. dieser VERDAMTEN Amis MUSSTEN sich zurück ziehen…

Recherchiert wenn ihr wollt in meinen Archiven, Stichwort AK47…
Afganlilar, afganistan wären die Suchbegriffe!

Russland MUSS beenden, sie werden es…
Wenn sie ihre Ziele erreicht haben, sucht nach meiner Skizze!

>>> Grenze zu Moldawien – Transnistrien <<<

Eine „binnen“ Ukrainien, eine NEUE „Berliner Mauer“

„Je oller, desto doller!“

Cogito, ergo sum

Ich habe ja noch nicht einmal angefangen
Jetzt die NSA…
Zur NOT stellen ich meinen EIGENEN Server ins Netz!

Der Putin…
UND der ganze Verein…
Die können mich mal …
Gerne haben, was glaubt ihr wie EGAL die mir sind?

Page from Stepanov-Mamaladze’s notes from February 12, 1990, reflecting Baker’s assurance to Shevardnadze during the Ottawa Open Skies conference: „And if U[nited] G[ermany] stays in NATO, we should take care about non-expansion of its jurisdiction to the east.“

U.S. Embassy Bonn Confidential Cable to Secretary of State on the speech of the German Foreign Minister: Genscher Outlines His Vision of a New European Architecture.
Feb 1, 1990
U.S. Department of State. FOIA Reading Room. Case F-2015 10829


Ich habe es NUR hervorgehoben das ihr es auf jeden Fall seht, Uni Archive SIND WICHTIG

Document 02

Mr. Hurd to Sir C. Mallaby (Bonn). Telegraphic N. 85: Secretary of State’s Call on Herr Genscher: German Unification.
Feb 6, 1990


Document 03

Memorandum from Paul H. Nitze to George H.W. Bush about “Forum for Germany” meeting in Berlin.
Feb 6, 1990
George H. W. Bush Presidential Library


Weil auch UND GERADE Deutschland davon betroffen ist, WAR…
Na ja…
Wenn die so weiter machen fange ich mit englisch an, Leute…
Lasst mich in RUHE…
In Ruhe sterben, habt etwas Geduld
Mit 93% Wahrscheinlichkeit ist BALD Schluss!

Lasst EUCH nicht bescheißen…
Für Dumm verkaufen!

JETZT wird’s interessant die NSA

Cogito, ergo sum

ANDERE Ecke aber erwähnenswert


Bei mir die Waschmaschine


Um ehrlich zu sein, ich habe auch keine Lust mehr…
Lesen „wir“ weiter in den Protokollen, mal sehen was sich sonst noch so VERSTECKT?

Nur mal so, zur „Auffrischung“ falls ihrs nicht gesehen habt?
Ich BIN NEUTRAL neutraler gehts nicht mehr!

WAS MICH FREUT, sind die Universitäten…
JUNGE Menschen, NUR wegen IHNEN…
Ausschließlich der JUGEND wegen EGAL wo auf der Welt…
Nur wegen ihnen schreibe ich!

Den SIE WERDEN ES SEIN die irgendwann die Geschicke ihrer Länder…
Vielleicht mal der Welt leiten werden. Ich denke…
Nicht umsonst wurde ich von Google Scholar erfasst, was mich…
Um ehrlich zu sein etwas stolz macht.


Cogito, ergo sum

Kennt seine Abendteuer nicht?


Journalisten im allgemeinen, Kriegsjournalisten im besonderen…
Leben gefährlich ABERRR…
Ist der Mensch immer das was er vorgibt zu sein, sind Journalisten immer auch wirklich NUR Journalisten?

Wie angekündigt berichte ich aus Tayyipistan
07:15 Welt Nachrichten
„EU-Botschafter „warnen“ Türkei keine Putin Propaganda zu machen“
So ähnlich war die Nachricht…
NEIN, es ist NICHT die Türkei die diese Propaganda macht, es ist TAYYIP!

Ebenso, leider habe ich NICHT auf die Uhr geschaut; Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann…
Ich könnte NUR NOCH laut Schrein:
„Wir sind ja froh das die USA uns zur Seite stehen“
Wer hat uns den in die Scheiße reingeritten?

NEIN, ich werde noch berichten. Aus meinem „persönlichen Umfeld“
Scheiß auf ALLE Islamisten, auf die schein Grünen und alles was lügt und trügt!

Re: Erdogans Geiseln Fünf Jahre später
Bitte drum es sich anzutun

Es geht mir SEHR schlecht, vielleicht ist das ende nah…
Bis zu Letzt.

National Security Archive???????????

Bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich mich ganz persönlich bei Bundeskanzler Scholz bedanken, hätte ich nicht von ihm erwartet FÜR SEIN…
Keine NATO Intervention…
Herzliches Dankeschön…
Suggerierte „Einigkeit“
WAS IST mit der Wirklichkeit???


>>> ÜniversiteLER – ARGE – Sanayi <<<

Gestern INTEL…
Man HINTERFRAGT in Deutschland, es ist JA NUR Produktion
WAS IST mit der Forschung?

NEIN, leider haben es die Deutschen IMMER NOCH nicht gerafft…
Es gibt verschiedene Arten davon, NOCH haben sie die immensen Dimensionen, die WICHTIGKEIT nicht verstanden!

Müssen wir WIRKLICH die Rindviecher sein, die ihr Haupt senken…
Und das vorgeworfene Fressen?

Und JA…
Ich habe gestern die Message vernommen…
Wie gesagt ich bin bereit es notfalls zurück zu geben!

Amcık ya, amcık. Demiştim dedirtmeyin bana

Hava, kara, deniz, siber VE UZAY


UNS steht das wasser bis zum Hals…
die Grünen wollen z. Bsp. Fleischpreise erhöchen ODER Tempolimit…
Diese TANTE…
Was glaubt ihr wohl mit was ich „mein Lebenlang“ zutun gehabt habe?


Inflation: Christine Lagarde könnte Leitzins anheben – aber nicht sofort
Janne Knödler – 15. Feb.

Lange hat die EZB-Chefin das Drängen einiger Experten und Expertinnen auf eine Zinswende abmoderiert. Vor dem Europaparlament findet sie nun klarere Worte – kündigt aber gleichzeitig ein behutsames Vorgehen an.“


Ihr LIEBEN LEUT, ihr habt ja „keine Ahnung“