Dediğim gibi, ASLA bilemeyecek KIMSE beni

„Was passiert wirklich zwischen China und den USA im Südchinesischen Meer?
29 Aug. 2021 08:50 Uhr

In der polarisierten Welt der Gegenwart wird die Lage in dieser äußerst bedeutsamen Region des Pazifischen Ozeans häufig entweder als Expansionismus Chinas oder als Imperialismus der Vereinigten Staaten dargestellt. Jedoch ist die Angelegenheit – wie in anderen Fällen auch – erheblich komplizierter.“


Ah yazabilsem, olmasa…
Onlar olmasa!

„US VP Kamala Harris criticises Beijing intimidation in South China Sea

US Vice President Kamala Harris has hit out at China during a speech made in Singapore on the first leg of a South East Asian tour.Ms Harris accused Beijing of coercion and intimidation in the South China Sea, which has been a regional flashpoint for years.
She said the US would „stand with our allies in the face of threats“. Ms Harris‘ trip is seen as an attempt to reaffirm US commitment to the region. Her speech which touched on a number of other issues, also mentioned the US pull-out from Afghanistan, where she insisted the decision was „courageous and right“.“

okunsa iyi olur

„August 24, 2021
2:53 PM CEST
Last Updated 5 days ago
Asia Pacific
U.S. VP Harris says China intimidates to back South China Sea claims“