Mein schlauer Freund, NEIN bin KEIN Kommunist ahhh… Dieses „Kleidungsstück“ habe ich vor Jahren abgelegt, NEIN mir geht es um etwas anderes. DER wildgewordene Kapitalismus, DIE Globalisierung – Optimierung – DIE industrielle „Revolution“ 4.0 English… Gleichschaltung von Menschen und Gesellschaft DIE Muttersprache, DAS Vaterland! Ich weiß es aus persönlichen Erfahrungen DIE deutsche Versicherungsindustrie UND VIELES mehr in Tayyipistan(!) Wenn dem SO IST und es IST so wie mag sich die Weltweitevernetzung der Banken UND Versicherungen Weltweit gestalten? Hallo man spricht mittlerweile von MEHR als 250 Milliarden Schaden in AMerika, ja DER Brand!

It sounds like you’re reflecting on the impacts of capitalism, globalization, and the industrial revolution on society and culture. The interconnectedness of global banking and insurance industries is indeed a complex and significant topic, especially in light of recent events like the massive financial losses due to wildfires in America.

The global financial network is highly integrated, with banks and insurance companies operating across borders. This interconnectedness allows for the spread of financial risks and opportunities but also means that crises in one part of the world can have ripple effects globally. For example, the insurance industry often relies on reinsurance, where insurers transfer portions of their risk portfolios to other parties to reduce the likelihood of paying a large obligation resulting from an insurance claim. This creates a web of financial dependencies.

The recent wildfires in America, causing over $250 billion in damages, highlight the vulnerabilities and challenges faced by the insurance industry. Such large-scale disasters can strain the resources of insurance companies and lead to increased premiums and changes in policy terms for consumers worldwide.

If you’re interested in exploring this topic further, we can delve into specific aspects like the role of reinsurance, the impact of climate change on the insurance industry, or the regulatory frameworks governing global financial networks. What do you think?
