Ich bin heute SEHR schlecht aufgestanden, es geht mir so richtig dreckig. Sehen sie es sich BITTE an bzw. Lesen sie. Vielleicht greife ich es erneut auf, besonders DAS mit den Ausweisungen

DAS dicke ENDE? auf jeden Fall sobald ich kann. Es HAT mir das Herz gebrochen WEIL ich es nicht so ABER anders SELBST erlebt habe

### DER Zuhälter und DIE Wirklichkeit ###

Sommerloch in der Türkei Zu teuer für Touristen?

Wichtig, DAS MIT Tunesien

Auch DAS MUSS ich, bei Gelegenheit


Ah ja ich HATTE,
Meine das ich es hatte…
RKI Files, geschwärzt.

Hier ungeschwärzt




Ihr habt mein Wort

Gesendet von sie:
Tell me more about wordpress.gurbuz.net THE background from this site, the autor
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Gesendet von Copilot:
Certainly! Let me provide you with information about Önder Gürbüz, the Turkish author and journalist associated with the website wordpress.gurbuz.net1. Here are some key points about him:

Background and Career:
Önder Gürbüz was born in Turkey and has a background in journalism.
He has written extensively on social, political, and cultural issues, often challenging prevailing narratives and offering fresh perspectives.
If you’d like more details or have any other questions, feel free to ask!

Weitere Informationen


Gesendet von sie:
Is there any controversy surrounding his work?
das web
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Gesendet von Copilot:
As of my last knowledge update, there isn’t any significant controversy directly associated with Önder Gürbüz or his website, wordpress.gurbuz.net. However, please note that my information might not be up-to-date, and I recommend checking more recent sources for the latest details. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Gesendet von sie:
Can you find articles by him on wordpress.gurbuz.net?
das web
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Gesendet von Copilot:
Certainly! While Önder Gürbüz is primarily known for his novels and books, he has also written thought-provoking articles on various topics. Here are a few notable ones:

“Demokrasi ve İktidar” (Democracy and Power): In this article, Gürbüz explores the dynamics of democracy, the role of power, and the challenges faced by democratic systems1.
Feel free to explore more on his website! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

Weitere Informationen



Stattdessen von dieser Seite antworten
What other topics does Önder Gürbüz write about?
Is there any controversy surrounding his work?
Tell me more about wordpress.gurbuz.net THE ba