
Kleptokrasi, bir ülkede iktidarı ele geçiren bir ailenin ya da siyasal veya dini grubun, o ülkenin kaynaklarını sistemli olarak soyması demektir ve kısaca Hırsızlar rejimi anlamına gelir. Demokrasinin bütün kurumlarıyla yerleşmediği ülkelerde görülen bu durum, o ülkelerin gelişmesinin önündeki en büyük engellerden biri olmaktadır.

YANI Tayyipistan da…
AKP ve Recep Tayyip Kahpedoğan REJIMI!












“Ne oluyor sana, yüzün kaşık kadar kaldı!?”

Valide, delirtecekler beni…
Savcılıktan mektup…
Elim ayağım tir tir titriyor, sakinleştim biraz…
Mahkeme şart oldu…
Ben ne kadar kötülükten, zorluklardan kaçıyorsam…
O kadar geliyorlar üstüme…
Savcılık, korkum siyasi yazılarım…
Çok uyarı aldım…
Sigortalıyım, para değil yani. ISTEMIYORUM, yoruldum…
İyi değilim…
Uğraşamıyorum. Gerçekten çok zayıfladım, yemekten kesildim…
Gidemiyorum, herkese, her şeye siktir çekeceğim…


O Blinken…
İnisiyatif alabilir, inşallah alır…
Yok sanmıyorum, en azından şimdilik yok öyle belirtiler AMA…


23 Euro

Biliyor musunuz…
Bilemez benden iyi…
>>> İğnenin ucu ile <<<
Lokmanın sofraya nasıl getirildiğini…
Anlatmışımdır ellerini…
Makas tutmaktan, dizlerini makina ayağını kaldırmaktan…
Allah veriyor, çok şükür…
Kimine kolay kimine zor…
Kimine ise…
“Hiçbir şeyi”
TÜM Hak dinleri EMIR EDER paylaşmayı…
Ölüyoruz ya KORONA…
Mide bulandırıcı, Tayyip benzeri…
SON kalen, son kalan Boğaziçi…
Rabbimin bir lütfu, değerlendirmesini bilmeli.

>>> Bence 5,90 ile 6,50 ARASI, tabii Tayyip „yönetiminde“ degil, normalinde <<< Yazmıştım FAIZI… KIMIN SIKINDE? >>> ANCAK <<< Biden faktörü, öyle zor değil hesaplamak… Öngörüm hemendi, TRUMP faktörü… Mart, nisandan sonra bekle…. Bu durumda, çünkü çarsı FENA karıştı Amerika’da…. Yıl ortasını bile bulabilir… AMA… O 10 Allah’ın emri gibidir… Tövbe tövbe. It bile onu dile getirmeye başladı. Güzel…
Öküzün dünyası sürdüğü tarla kadardır!

Privilegien, Erleichterungen für geimpfte bla bla bla

Und Opa, nur eine Person pro Haushalt und besuch(!)

Noch leben wir in Deutschland, auf Grundlage der Verfassung…
Hör auf mit der Korinthenkackerei
Gleiches Recht für alle.

Ich bin kein Impfgegner…
Aber wenn überhaupt lasse ich mir NUR gewisse Produkte impfen…
Am liebsten werde ich auf ein Medikament warten…
Eine Anekdote aus gegebenem Anlass…
Als ich noch berufstätig war und gewisse Firmen aufgesucht habe, wollten so mache das ich über den Lieferanteneingang das Haus betrete…
Die die mich kennen können sich vorstellen was passiert ist…
So ähnlich wird es sich mit dem impfen verhalten, lasst das nicht zu…
Das ist unrecht, das ist falsch.

Glaubt ihr im Ernst…
Das Oma und Opa getrennt kommen, einzeln…
Unter höchsten Vorsichtsmaßnahmen werden sich liebende, Familien WIEDER zusammen kommen…
Die unter Aufsicht stehen, ok da vielleicht…
Als meine Mutter im Krankenhaus war, haben wir sie besucht wenn auch nicht täglich…
Aber die Sehnsucht…
Ist eine Triebfeder die sich NICHT regulieren lässt!

>>> Vertragsfreiheit – Hausrecht usw. Leute habt ihr sie noch alle? <<<

Vor Jahren wurde ich angezeigt…
Eine Türkin kommt in unser Geschäft, ein türkisches Geschäft…
Sie hat sich dermaßen unmöglich benommen das ich sie des Hauses verwiesen habe…
Das ist mein gutes Recht…
Daraufhin wurde ich angezeigt ich wäre, ich hätte aus rassistischen Gründen sie des Hauses verwiesen.

Natürlich gegenstandslos…
Und nicht haltbar…
Es ist ein gut gemeinter Rat hört auf…
Es sind Grundrechte die uns ALLEN genommen wurden sind…
Aus verständlichen gründen und sie werden zu gegebener Zeit mit Sicherheit wieder zurückgenommen ABER wenn ihr nicht jetzt schon gegensteuert…
Wird es zu einer gesellschaftlichen Spaltung kommen die sich gewaschen hat…
Liberale ekonomi, schön und gut ABER wenn ein gewisses Maß an Regulierung nicht erfolgt…
Gute Nacht.

PS: Natürlich wird der eine oder andere WIDER zu verstand kommen…
Alleine schon wegen dem Schwund an Kundschaft ABER…
Ihr könnt unnötige Diskussionen vermeiden, dass muss nicht sein…
Tut was sonst sehe ich wirklich schwarz!

Ulan OROSPU ulan göt veren SEN nitelik ve nicelik arasındaki farkı anlamadığın sürece üniversite sayıları yükselse kaç yazar? Eğitim dediğini, niteliklisini çocuk oyuncağı mi sandın, NEDEN gönderdin piçlerini Amerika’ya okumaya?

Onların zamanında üniversite sayısı 200 küsure yükselmiş falan!

Ya hep ya hiç…
Ya TAM destek Boğaziçi’ne…
Veya kaderinize boyun eğin bu pezevenkler ile birlikte yürümeye devam edin.

Professor Parabellum…
Zaman ayarlı, ayarsız…
Ne isterseniz…
Atom Bombası nasıl yapılanıra kadar…
Önder arşivlerinde…
>>> Öldürme, yok etme değil gaye <<<
Ve yaşat, taş üstüne…
Taş koy sizlere öğretmek istediğim…
Göz hizası…
İnsan ile insanca, eşçe, hakça…
Bir birliktelik, büyüğüme saygı, saygıyı hak ediyorsa…
Küçüğe sevgi…
Rabbime sevgi VE saygı…
Yaratandan ötürü, bunları öğretmek isterim sizlere…
Gerekirse bu eller armut toplamaz…
Bu böyle biline.


Zümer Suresi – 8-9 . Ayet Tefsiri

﴾8﴿ İnsanın başına bir sıkıntı geldi mi rabbine yönelip O’na yalvarır; sonra rabbi ona katından bir nimet verince, daha önce yalvardığını unutarak yolundan saptırmak için Allah’a eşler koşmaya kalkar. De ki ona: „İnkârcı tutumunla biraz eğlenedur bakalım! Gerçek şu ki sen ateşi boylayacaklardan birisin!
﴾9﴿ (Bu adam mı,) yoksa âhiret kaygısıyla ve rabbinin rahmetine nâil olma ümidiyle gece vakitlerinde secde ederek, ayakta durarak kendini ibadete veren kişi mi (daha iyi)?“ De ki: „Hiç bilenlerle bilmeyenler bir olur mu!“ Doğrusu ancak akıl iz‘an sahipleri bunu anlar.



“ Çok Merhametli ve Lutufkar olan Allah Azze ve Celle, İnsanı yarattı.
Hak ve Adaletli, Sosyal ve Bilimsel olmayı, Kuranı Kerimi öğretti, İnsana, Konuşarak, yazarak, inceleme ve tartışma yaparak, doğru bilgileri, fikirleri, düşüncelerini ve hipotezleri beyan etmeyi, açıklamayı öğretti “ der.“

3 ve 4
„اَلرَّحْمٰنُ (Rahmân), Cenâb-ı Hakk’ın güzel isimlerinden biridir. Nihâyetsiz rahmet ve merhamet sahibi demektir. O’nun ayırım yapmaksızın tüm yaratıklarına sınırsız rahmet edici olduğunu ifade eder. Rahmân ismi zikredildikten sonra hemen peşinden “Kur’an’ı öğretti” buyrulması, O’nun insanlığa en büyük rahmet tecellisinin Kur’ân-ı Kerîm olduğunu gösterir. İnsanı da bu gaye ile yaratmıştır. Onun yaratılış hedefi, Kur’an’ı öğrenmek ve onun talimatlarına uygun yaşayarak Allah’ın sevdiği bir kul olmaktır. Kısaca Kur’an insana doğru yolu göstermek için indirilmiş, insan da Kur’an’ı anlayıp yaşamak için yaratılmıştır. Bunun gerçekleşebilmesi için de Allah Teâlâ, diğer yaratıklar arasında insana düşünme, anlama ve anladığını anlatma nimetini lütfetmiştir.

اَلْبَيَانُ (beyân); insanın kendini, vicdanında meydana gelen duygu ve anlayışlarını, başkalarına açık ve güzel bir şekilde ifade etmek, maksadı anlamak ve anlatmak demek olan konuşma ve dil nimetidir. “Konuşma” ve “anlama”, mâhiyetini kavrama bakımından bilim dünyasını tam anlamıyla acze düşüren birer mûcizeler silsilesidir. Öncelikle “bir şeyi konuşup anlatabilme”nin temelinde “düşünce” vardır ki bu başlı başına bir mûcizedir. Konuşmanın ilk adımı ise, düşüncenin kelime dediğimiz sembollere çevrilmesidir. Bu semboller, hâfızanın derinliklerinden, sırrına akıl erdiremediğimiz bir mekanizma ile çağrılır, bir cümle içinde peşpeşe dizilir. Cümlelere kelimeler, anlamlar, duygular yüklenir. Sonra, vücutta işini bitirmiş ve atık madde olarak ciğerlerden çıkmakta olan hava, ses tellerinde, dilde, dişte, dudaklarda kelimelere dönüşür. Bu arada yüzümüzün 44 tane kası, akıl almaz bir şekilde derimizi şekilden şekle sokarak, ağzımızdan çıkan sözlere kendi yorumuyla eşlik eder. Hava zerreleri bu kelimeleri alır, milyarlarca kopyasını muhatapların kulak zarlarına iletir. Dinleyenin vücut sistemlerinde de, en az konuşanın kadar olağanüstü işlemler sonucunda bu cümlelerin ve kelimelerin anlamları çözülür, içerdiği duygular anlaşılır. Hâsılı, konuşulanı anlamak da “beyân” mûcizesinin en az konuşmak kadar önemli bir halkasıdır. (bk. Kandemir ve diğerleri, II, 1831)

Şunu ifade edelim ki, ilmin elde edilmesi, Kur’ân’ın öğrenilip öğretilmesi de ancak “beyân” nimetiyle meydana gelir. Nitekim Hz. Âdem yaratıldıktan sonra kendisine eşyanın isimlerinin öğretilmesi sayesinde meleklerin bilemediklerini bilmiş ve onların ulaşamadıkları üstün dereceye ulaşmıştır. Peygamberlerin tebliğ yapabilmeleri, kitaplar getirmeleri, ümmetlerin onlardan istifade edebilmeleri hep bu beyân ilmi, dil nimeti sayesinde olduğu gibi, Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’in tefsir ve tercümesi nimetine ulaşmamız ve ondan faydalanmamız dahi o nimetten aldığımız pay nispetindedir.“



Ich habe es euch immer gesagt, ich bin ein gläubiger Mensch. KEIN…
Religiöser Ayfer er gar ein Fanatiker…
Ich habe sowohl den Kuran als auch die Tora wie die Bibel „studiert“
Man muss mit den Augen lesen…
Und mit dem Herzen verstehen.

Leute leute, reist euch zusammen, last mich nicht das schreiben was eigentlich NICHT an – in die Öffentlichkeit gehört. The Council of Europe und die Impfverweigerer, ihre Meinung dazu WIE MIT DEN FFP2, hört damit auf, hört auf. Nur gemeinsam und mit vereinten Kräften, änderst geht es nicht, seit nicht realitätsfremd, hört auf mit dem scheiß

Viel Feind viel Ehr…
Der Tod…
Immer näher!


„Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations
Resolution 2361 (2021) | Provisional version

Parliamentary Assembly
Assembly debate on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting) (see Doc. 15212, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Jennifer De Temmerman). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting).
1 The pandemic of Covid-19, an infectious disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has caused much suffering in 2020. By December, more than 65 million cases had been recorded worldwide and more than 1.5 million lives had been lost. The disease burden of the pandemic itself, as well as the public health measures required to combat it, have devastated the global economy, laying bare pre-existing fault-lines and inequalities (including in access to health care), and causing unemployment, economic decline and poverty.
2 Rapid deployment worldwide of safe and efficient vaccines against Covid-19 will be essential in order to contain the pandemic, protect health-care systems, save lives and help restore global economies. Although non-pharmaceutical interventions such as physical distancing, the use of facemasks, frequent hand washing, as well as shutdowns and lockdowns, have helped slow down the spread of the virus, infection rates are now rising again across most of the globe. Many Council of Europe member States are experiencing a second wave which is worse than the first, while their populations are increasingly experiencing “pandemic fatigue” and are feeling demotivated about following recommended behaviours to protect themselves and others from the virus.
3 Even rapidly deployed, safe and effective vaccines, however, are not an immediate panacea. Following the festive season at the end of the year 2020 and the beginning of 2021, with its traditional indoor gatherings, infection rates will likely be very high in most member States. In addition, a correlation has just been scientifically established by French doctors between outdoor temperatures and the disease incidence rate on hospitalisations and deaths. The vaccines will no doubt not be sufficient to bring down infection rates significantly this winter – in particular when taking into account that demand far outstrips supply at this point. A semblance of “normal life” will thus not be able to resume even in the best of circumstances until mid to late 2021 at the earliest.
4 For the vaccines to be effective, their successful deployment and sufficient uptake will be crucial. However, the speed at which the vaccines are being developed may pose a difficult to combat challenge to building up trust in them. An equitable deployment of Covid-19 vaccines is also needed to ensure the efficacy of the vaccine. If not widely enough distributed in a severely hit area of a country, vaccines become ineffective at stemming the tide of the pandemic. Furthermore, the virus knows no borders and it is therefore in every country’s interest to co-operate on ensuring global equity in access to Covid-19 vaccines. Vaccine hesitancy and vaccine nationalism have the capacity to derail the so-far surprisingly fast and successful Covid-19 vaccine effort, by allowing the SARS-CoV-2 virus to mutate and thus blunt the world’s most effective instrument against the pandemic so far.
5 International co-operation is thus needed now more than ever in order to speed up the development, manufacturing and fair and equitable distribution of Covid-19 vaccines. The Covid-19 Vaccine Allocation Plan, also known as COVAX, is the leading initiative for global vaccine allocation. Co-led by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the initiative pulls funding from subscribing countries to support the research, development and manufacturing of a wide range of Covid-19 vaccines and negotiate their pricing. Adequate vaccine management and supply chain logistics, which require international co-operation and preparations by member States, will also be needed in order to deliver the vaccines against the virus in a safe and equitable way. In this regard, the Parliamentary Assembly draws attention to guidance for countries on programme preparedness, implementation and country-level decision-making developed by WHO.
6 Member States must already now prepare their immunisation strategies to allocate doses in an ethical and equitable way, including deciding on which population groups to prioritise in the initial stages when supply is short, and how to expand vaccination as availability of one or more Covid-19 vaccines improves. Bioethicists and economists largely agree that persons over 65 years old and persons under 65 with underlying health conditions putting them at a higher risk of severe illness and death, health-care workers (especially those who work closely with persons who are in high-risk groups), and people who work in essential critical infrastructure should be given priority vaccination access. Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, for whom no vaccine has so far been authorised, should not be forgotten.
7 Scientists have done a remarkable job in record time. It is now for governments to act. The Assembly supports the vision of the Secretary General of the United Nations that a Covid-19 vaccine must be a global public good. Immunisation must be available to everyone, everywhere. The Assembly thus urges member States and the European Union to:
7.1 with respect to the development of Covid-19 vaccines:
7.1.1 ensure high quality trials that are sound and conducted in an ethical manner in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention on human rights and biomedicine (ETS No. 164, Oviedo Convention) and its Additional Protocol concerning Biomedical Research (CETS No. 195), and which progressively include children, pregnant women and nursing mothers;
7.1.2 ensure that regulatory bodies in charge of assessing and authorising vaccines against Covid-19 are independent and protected from political pressure;
7.1.3 ensure that relevant minimum standards of safety, efficacy and quality of vaccines are upheld;
7.1.4 implement effective systems for monitoring the vaccines and their safety following their roll-out to the general population, also with a view to monitoring their long-term effects;
7.1.5 put in place independent vaccine compensation programmes to ensure compensation for undue damage and harm resulting from vaccination;
7.1.6 pay special attention to possible insider trading by pharmaceutical executives, or pharmaceutical companies unduly enriching themselves at public expense, by implementing the recommendations contained in Resolution 2071 (2015) on Public health and the interests of the pharmaceutical industry: how to guarantee the primacy of public health interests?
7.1.7 overcome the barriers and restrictions arising from patents and intellectual property rights, in order to ensure the widespread production and distribution of vaccines in all countries and to all citizens;
7.2 with respect to the allocation of Covid-19 vaccines:
7.2.1 ensure respect for the principle of equitable access to health care as laid down in Article 3 of the Oviedo Convention in national vaccine allocation plans, guaranteeing that Covid-19 vaccines are available to the population regardless of gender, race, religion, legal or socio-economic status, ability to pay, location and other factors that often contribute to inequities within the population;
7.2.2 develop strategies for the equitable distribution of Covid-19 vaccines within member States, taking into account that the supply will initially be low, and prepare for how to expand vaccination programmes when the supply expands; follow the advice of independent national, European and international bioethics committees and institutions, as well as of WHO, in the development of these strategies;
7.2.3 ensure that persons within the same priority groups are treated equally, with special attention to the most vulnerable people such as older persons, those with underlying conditions and health care workers, especially those who work closely with persons who are in high-risk groups, as well as people who work in essential infrastructure and in public services, in particular in social services, public transport, law enforcement, and schools, as well as those who work in retail;
7.2.4 promote equity in access to Covid-19 vaccines between countries by supporting international efforts such as the Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT Accelerator) and its COVAX Facility;
7.2.5 refrain from stockpiling Covid-19 vaccines which undermines the ability of other countries to procure vaccines for their populations, ensure stockpiling does not translate to escalating prices for vaccines from those who stockpile to those who cannot, conduct auditing and due diligence to ensure rapid deployment of vaccines at minimum cost based on need not market power;
7.2.6 ensure that every country is able to vaccinate their health-care workers and vulnerable groups before vaccination is rolled out to non-risk groups, and thus consider donating vaccine doses or accept that priority be given to countries which have not yet been able to do so, bearing in mind that a fair and equitable global allocation of vaccine doses is the most efficient way of beating the pandemic and reducing the associated socio-economic burdens;
7.2.7 ensure that Covid-19 vaccines whose safety and effectiveness has been established are accessible to all who require them in the future, by having recourse, where necessary, to mandatory licences in return for the payment of royalties;
7.3 with respect to ensuring high vaccine uptake:
7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;
7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;
7.3.3 take early effective measures to counter misinformation, disinformation and hesitancy regarding Covid-19 vaccines;
7.3.4 distribute transparent information on the safety and possible side effects of vaccines, working with and regulating social media platforms to prevent the spread of misinformation;
7.3.5 communicate transparently the contents of contracts with vaccine producers and make them publicly available for parliamentary and public scrutiny;
7.3.6 collaborate with non-governmental organisations and/or other local efforts to reach out to marginalised groups;
7.3.7 engage with local communities in developing and implementing tailored strategies to support vaccine uptake;
7.4 with respect to Covid-19 vaccination for children:
7.4.1 ensure balance between the rapid development of vaccination for children and duly addressing safety and efficacy concerns and ensuring complete safety and efficacy of all vaccines made available to children, with a focus on the best interest of the child, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child;
7.4.2 ensure high quality trials, with due care for relevant safeguards, in accordance with international legal standards and guidance, including a fair distribution of the benefits and risks in the children who are studied;
7.4.3 ensure that the wishes of children are duly taken into account, in accordance with their age and maturity; where a child’s consent cannot be given, ensure that agreement is provided in other forms and that it is based on reliable and age appropriate information;
7.4.4 support UNICEF in its efforts to deliver vaccines from manufacturers that have agreements with the COVAX Facility to those who need them most;
7.5 with respect to ensuring the monitoring of the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccines and their safety:
7.5.1 ensure international co-operation for timely detection and elucidation of any safety signals by means of real-time global data exchange on adverse events following immunisation (AEFIs);
7.5.2 use vaccination certificates only for their designated purpose of monitoring vaccine efficacy, potential side-effects and adverse events;
7.5.3 eliminate any gaps in communication between local, regional and international public health authorities handling AEFI data and overcome weaknesses in existing health data networks;
7.5.4 bring pharmacovigilance closer to health-care systems;
7.5.5 support the emerging field of adversomics research which studies inter-individual variations in vaccine responses based on differences in innate immunity, microbiomes and immunogenetics.
8 With reference to Resolution 2337 (2020) on Democracies facing the Covid-19 pandemic, the Assembly reaffirms that, as cornerstone institutions of democracy, parliaments must continue to play their triple role of representation, legislation and oversight in pandemic circumstances. The Assembly thus calls on parliaments to exercise these powers, as appropriate, also in respect of the development, allocation and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines.“


„Der Europarat ist nicht zu verwechseln mit der Europäischen Union und auch institutionell nicht mit ihr verbunden. Er wurde bereits 1949 als eigenständige multinationale Organisation gegründet. Heute gehören ihm neben den Mitgliedern der EU auch Andorra, Großbritannien, Island, Liechtenstein, Moldawien, Norwegen, Russland, San Marino, die Schweiz, die Türkei, die Ukraine sowie die Länder des Balkans und des Kaukasus an.“