09:13 ntv jaaa „Es geht um das GANZ große GELD“

NICHT nur, es geht um die Zukunft…
Der verfügbaren Rohstoffe. In irgend einer Stadt in Deutschland…
SIND die Lichter ausgefallenm weiß nicht mehr wo…
Jaaa BlackOUT durchaus möglich…
Hatte beizeiten

DIE Verräter haben den Hahn abgedreht

MDB ausgewiessen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fickt sie diese Rindviecher und ihre Kälber,
Leckt mich doch am Arsch

Göt GÖTE ohhh NIX was ich übersetzen sollte

Lange ist es her,
Ich hatte es beschrieben.

Deine GIER

Sage NUR Sibirien, da kommt noch viel mehr…
Ja das Eis schmilzt ABER nicht so wie man es sie glauben machen will,
Zu Corona Zeiten hatte ich sehr detailliert die Viren beschrieben

JA sie Töten ABER wollen AUCH Überleben

Tja, könnten sie mal türkisch

Was glauben sie WARUM ich noch „Leben“ darf,
In irgendeinem Gefängnis sitze…
WARUM wohl?

, warum habe ich wohl NICHT früher?

Leute, LEUTE

„Krankheit erreicht Europa
Wie gefährlich ist das Oropouche-Virus?
Bonn · Das Oropouche-Fieber, eine bislang nur in Süd- und Mittelamerika vorkommende Tropenkrankheit, ist nun auch in Italien gemeldet worden. Vier Fälle wurden im letzten Monat bekannt. Wie gefährlich ist die Krankheit?

22.07.2024 , 18:53 Uhr 2 Minuten Lesezeit“


### !!! >>> IST ausgebrochen <<< !!! ###

Lasst und gemeinsam Sterben

— Erster Todesfall: Horror-Erreger Nipah-Virus —

„Nipah virus
30 May 2018

Key facts
Nipah virus infection in humans causes a range of clinical presentations, from asymptomatic infection (subclinical) to acute respiratory infection and fatal encephalitis.
The case fatality rate is estimated at 40% to 75%. This rate can vary by outbreak depending on local capabilities for epidemiological surveillance and clinical management.
Nipah virus can be transmitted to humans from animals (such as bats or pigs), or contaminated foods and can also be transmitted directly from human-to-human.
Fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are the natural host of Nipah virus.
There is no treatment or vaccine available for either people or animals. The primary treatment for humans is supportive care.
The 2018 annual review of the WHO R&D Blueprint list of priority diseases indicates that there is an urgent need for accelerated research and development for the Nipah virus.
Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic virus (it is transmitted from animals to humans) and can also be transmitted through contaminated food or directly between people. In infected people, it causes a range of illnesses from asymptomatic (subclinical) infection to acute respiratory illness and fatal encephalitis. The virus can also cause severe disease in animals such as pigs, resulting in significant economic losses for farmers.

Although Nipah virus has caused only a few known outbreaks in Asia, it infects a wide range of animals and causes severe disease and death in people, making it a public health concern.

Past Outbreaks
Nipah virus was first recognized in 1999 during an outbreak among pig farmers in, Malaysia. No new outbreaks have been reported in Malaysia since 1999.

It was also recognized in Bangladesh in 2001, and nearly annual outbreaks have occurred in that country since. The disease has also been identified periodically in eastern India.

Other regions may be at risk for infection, as evidence of the virus has been found in the known natural reservoir (Pteropus bat species) and several other bat species in a number of countries, including Cambodia, Ghana, Indonesia, Madagascar, the Philippines, and Thailand.

During the first recognized outbreak in Malaysia, which also affected Singapore, most human infections resulted from direct contact with sick pigs or their contaminated tissues. Transmission is thought to have occurred via unprotected exposure to secretions from the pigs, or unprotected contact with the tissue of a sick animal.

In subsequent outbreaks in Bangladesh and India, consumption of fruits or fruit products (such as raw date palm juice) contaminated with urine or saliva from infected fruit bats was the most likely source of infection.

There are currently no studies on viral persistence in bodily fluids or the environment including fruits.

Human-to-human transmission of Nipah virus has also been reported among family and care givers of infected patients.

During the later outbreaks in Bangladesh and India, Nipah virus spread directly from human-to-human through close contact with people’s secretions and excretions. In Siliguri, India in 2001, transmission of the virus was also reported within a health-care setting, where 75% of cases occurred among hospital staff or visitors. From 2001 to 2008, around half of reported cases in Bangladesh were due to human-to-human transmission through providing care to infected patients.

Signs and symptoms
Human infections range from asymptomatic infection to acute respiratory infection (mild, severe), and fatal encephalitis.

Infected people initially develop symptoms including fever, headaches, myalgia (muscle pain), vomiting and sore throat. This can be followed by dizziness, drowsiness, altered consciousness, and neurological signs that indicate acute encephalitis. Some people can also experience atypical pneumonia and severe respiratory problems, including acute respiratory distress. Encephalitis and seizures occur in severe cases, progressing to coma within 24 to 48 hours.

The incubation period (interval from infection to the onset of symptoms) is believed to range from 4 to 14 days. However, an incubation period as long as 45 days has been reported.

Most people who survive acute encephalitis make a full recovery, but long term neurologic conditions have been reported in survivors. Approximately 20% of patients are left with residual neurological consequences such as seizure disorder and personality changes. A small number of people who recover subsequently relapse or develop delayed onset encephalitis.

The case fatality rate is estimated at 40% to 75%. This rate can vary by outbreak depending on local capabilities for epidemiological surveillance and clinical management.

Initial signs and symptoms of Nipah virus infection are nonspecific, and the diagnosis is often not suspected at the time of presentation. This can hinder accurate diagnosis and creates challenges in outbreak detection, effective and timely infection control measures, and outbreak response activities.

In addition, the quality, quantity, type, timing of clinical sample collection and the time needed to transfer samples to the laboratory can affect the accuracy of laboratory results.

Nipah virus infection can be diagnosed with clinical history during the acute and convalescent phase of the disease. The main tests used are real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from bodily fluids and antibody detection via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Other tests used include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, and virus isolation by cell culture.

There are currently no drugs or vaccines specific for Nipah virus infection although WHO has identified Nipah as a priority disease for the WHO Research and Development Blueprint. Intensive supportive care is recommended to treat severe respiratory and neurologic complications.

Natural host: fruit bats
Fruit bats of the family Pteropodidae – particularly species belonging to the Pteropus genus – are the natural hosts for Nipah virus. There is no apparent disease in fruit bats.

It is assumed that the geographic distribution of Henipaviruses overlaps with that of Pteropus category. This hypothesis was reinforced with the evidence of Henipavirus infection in Pteropus bats from Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand and Timor-Leste.

African fruit bats of the genus Eidolon, family Pteropodidae, were found positive for antibodies against Nipah and Hendra viruses, indicating that these viruses might be present within the geographic distribution of Pteropodidae bats in Africa.

Nipah virus in domestic animals
Outbreaks of the Nipah virus in pigs and other domestic animals such as horses, goats, sheep, cats and dogs were first reported during the initial Malaysian outbreak in 1999.

The virus is highly contagious in pigs. Pigs are infectious during the incubation period, which lasts from 4 to 14 days.

An infected pig can exhibit no symptoms, but some develop acute feverish illness, labored breathing, and neurological symptoms such as trembling, twitching and muscle spasms. Generally, mortality is low except in young piglets. These symptoms are not dramatically different from other respiratory and neurological illnesses of pigs. Nipah virus should be suspected if pigs also have an unusual barking cough or if human cases of encephalitis are present.

For more information of Nipah in animals, see the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations webpage on Nipah and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) webpage on Nipah.

Controlling Nipah virus in pigs

Currently, there are no vaccines available against Nipah virus. Based on the experience gained during the outbreak of Nipah involving pig farms in 1999, routine and thorough cleaning and disinfection of pig farms with appropriate detergents may be effective in preventing infection.

If an outbreak is suspected, the animal premises should be quarantined immediately. Culling of infected animals – with close supervision of burial or incineration of carcasses – may be necessary to reduce the risk of transmission to people. Restricting or banning the movement of animals from infected farms to other areas can reduce the spread of the disease.

As Nipah virus outbreaks have involved pigs and/or fruit bats, establishing an animal health/wildlife surveillance system, using a One Health approach, to detect Nipah cases is essential in providing early warning for veterinary and human public health authorities.

Reducing the risk of infection in people
In the absence of a vaccine, the only way to reduce or prevent infection in people is by raising awareness of the risk factors and educating people about the measures they can take to reduce exposure to the Nipah virus.

Public health educational messages should focus on:

Reducing the risk of bat-to-human transmission.
Efforts to prevent transmission should first focus on decreasing bat access to date palm sap and other fresh food products. Keeping bats away from sap collection sites with protective coverings (such as bamboo sap skirts) may be helpful. Freshly collected date palm juice should be boiled, and fruits should be thoroughly washed and peeled before consumption. Fruits with sign of bat bites should be discarded.
Reducing the risk of animal-to-human transmission.
Gloves and other protective clothing should be worn while handling sick animals or their tissues, and during slaughtering and culling procedures. As much as possible, people should avoid being in contact with infected pigs. In endemic areas, when establishing new pig farms, considerations should be given to presence of fruit bats in the area and in general, pig feed and pig shed should be protected against bats when feasible.
Reducing the risk of human-to-human transmission.
Close unprotected physical contact with Nipah virus-infected people should be avoided. Regular hand washing should be carried out after caring for or visiting sick people.
Controlling infection in health-care settings
Health-care workers caring for patients with suspected or confirmed infection, or handling specimens from them, should implement standard infection control precautions at all times

As human-to-human transmission has been reported, in particular in health-care settings, contact and droplet precautions should be used in addition to standard precautions. Airborne precautions may be required in certain circumstances.

Samples taken from people and animals with suspected Nipah virus infection should be handled by trained staff working in suitably equipped laboratories.

WHO response
WHO is supporting affected and at risk countries with technical guidance on how to manage outbreaks of Nipah virus and on how to prevent their occurrence.

The risk of international transmission via fruits or fruit products (such as raw date palm juice) contaminated with urine or saliva from infected fruit bats can be prevented by washing them thoroughly and peeling them before consumption. Fruit with signs of bat bites should be discarded.“


Ich hatte mal was gesagt, ZU CORONA ZEITEN. Investoren – Börse UND die Politik

Haben sie was gemacht?
Weil DAZU braucht man(n) Eier

Legt dich NIE mit dem Geld an, NIE


Ich BIN ich

### ABER mit BionTech STIMMT WAS NICHT ###

Wie schön es sich doch Flirtten lässt(!)
Hättet mich NIE von den Toten wiedererwecken dürfen

Als ihr noch in den eiern euerer Väter rumgeschwommen seid…
GAB es mich schon, meine die IT…
„Experten“ und so

So ganz nebenbei AUCH die Militär „Experten“
Tausende hätten sie getötet, MEIST NUR Frauen und Kinder…
Dafür HABEN SIE zischtausende NEUE Kämpfer erschaffen.

Wäre ich 10 – 20 Jahre jünger…
Ungebunden, FREI…
Unten oder IN Russland NUR um den kollektiven Westen in die EIER zu…
Treten. Ist nicht…
War nicht, würde nicht zu meinem Krieg werden…
WENN (…)

„Microsoft macht EU für den schlimmsten IT-Ausfall der Welt verantwortlich
Geschichte von Euronews • 1 Std.“


Seit 2012 BIN ICH „raus“
Seit 2012!

Ich vermisse mein altes LEBEN

🙁 🙁 🙁

### 70 Euro SIND 2310 Tayyip Lira, reicht für ein Wocheneinkauf. 1 Kilo Hack rund 320 Tayyip Lira ###

Wofür reichen hier 70 Euro?
Definitiv NICHT für einen Wocheneinkauf!

MUSS das mit dem Finanzministerium
Nur wann?


### WAS weiß mein AUTO alles über mich? ###
als du über mich

Ve dökülüyorum, erkek demeye milyon şahit lazım

Er, Sie, Es WIRD mich NIE verstehen

Auch du nicht,
Meine hilferufe, zwischen…
Zwei Stühlen

Weiß nicht wohin ich mich setzen soll

Es gibt KEIN zurück mehr

Bahnhof? IST egal IST WIRKLICH egal

16:06 deutsche Zeit

„Weniger Geld für Gesundheit und Rente: So spart die Ampel zu Lasten der Beitragszahler
Geschichte von Karin Christmann, Caspar Schwietering • 22 Std“


HABE 70 Euro mehr im Monat

„Scholz, Baerbock, Faeser, Lauterbach – 531.000 Euro! Jetzt kommt raus, wie viel EM-Flüge der Regierung gekostet haben
Geschichte von dpa • 3 Std. “


Ja WENN ich könnte…
Wie ich MÜSSTE

DIE Börsen???

Reicht es wenn ich sage
UNSERE Ärsche!?


Ich HATTE ihnen mein Wort gegeben liebe Leser, ES WIRD noch besser

Es WIRD Zeit die Schrauben noch etwas mehr zu…

201. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in [place not declassified]1“


ALT sagen sie?

Operation Lincoln


Sie MEINEN VIEL wenn der Tag lang IST

KÖNNTE und DÜRFTE ich mich wehren…
Hätte ich KEINE „Anhängsel“
Was glauben sie WIE EGAL mir das können und dürfen…
ABER ich bin es nun mal nicht und MUSS alles in meinem „Leben“
Recht und Ordnung…

MUSS legal sein, ALLES

Ich kenne diese Behauptung seit gestern,
Habe NIX nur ein Screeshot…
Der Obama und Deep State

Es GIBT SIE habe es doch mit eigenen Augen,
Habe auch definiert WIE

„Joe Biden: US-Präsident längst tot? Biden-Rückzug heizt Verschwörungstheorie an
Geschichte von news.de-Redakteurin Anika Bube • 4 Std.“


Es GIBT vieles zwischen Himmel…
Und Hölle, sehr vieles
MUSS jeder ALLES Wissen?

### !!! >>> Augenhöhe <<< !!! ###


Wenn ich SEHEN WILL,
UND lasse Leben

US Boydton
US Des Moines
US Monroe
US Cheyenne
DE Frankfurt am Main
RU Moscow
US Sioux Falls
IE Dublin
CN Beijing
US West Chester
US Chicago
US Ashburn
BR Divinópolis
US Columbus
AU Brisbane
CN Shanghai
AU Melbourne
UA Odessa
AU Fairfield
KR Incheon
AT Reichenau im Muehlkreis
CN Shijiazhuang
CN Guangzhou
AU Sydney
BG Sistov
IN Navapur
RU Surgut
CN Zhenjiang
AU Ringwood
US Fort Myers
AU Canberra
FR Paris
DE Munich
AU Perth
LT Vilnius
IT Rome
CN Chengguan
CA North Bay
US Clifton
SG Singapore
KH Phnom Penh
PL Warsaw
IN Mumbai
GB London
BG Karlovo
RU Gatchina
US Chicago
CN Foshan
IT Alzate Brianza
RU Dzerzhinsky
US Boardman
AU Glenbrook
US Hurlburt Field
SA Ra’s al Khafji
RU Yakutsk
US Dallas
KR Busan
TR Istanbul
US Washington
US McAlester
CN Nanjing
DE Herscheid
FR Morsbach
GB Croydon
US Los Angeles
PL Legnica
US Newark
ID Jakarta
AU Central Coast
IN Thane
AU Adelaide
IT Torre del Greco
BR Santa Rosa
CN Shenzhen
UA Sevastopol
FR Plescop
DE Idstein
SV Santa Ana
US Brookings
US Los Angeles
UA Simferopol
DE Borna
IT San Benedetto Po
RU Moscow
CN Nanchang
VN Dong Hoi
US Waldorf
IN Mumbai
EE Tallinn
DE Frankfurt am Main
RU Moscow
US Raleigh
TW Taipei
US Houston
AU Dapto
IT Latina
US New Hyde Park
RU Krasnoyarsk
US Los Angeles
IT Rome
VN Hanoi
CN Zhengzhou
CA Toronto
AU Wodonga
RU Ekaterinburg
RU Perm
RU Moscow
CA Beauharnois
CN Jinan
IE Westport
CN Wuhan
RU Nal’chik
RU Omsk
US Denver
DE Taunusstein
NL Amsterdam
US Stone Mountain
IN Mumbai
US Copiague
ZA Johannesburg
KR Guro-gu
US New York
GB London
US New York
KR Boseong
RU Glazov
RU Tambov
US Glendale
US Panama City
DE Bernsbach
US Queens
DE Backnang
GB London
FR La Baule-Escoublac
JP Takamatsu
CH Zurich
IT Casnate Con Bernate
US New York
CN Handan
US Denver
JP Yokohama
US Washington
DE Frankfurt am Main
RU Blagoveshchensk
CN Wuxi
RU Michurinsk
US San Francisco
US North Bergen
US New York
NL Wageningen
AE Abu Dhabi
US Indianapolis
US Portland
RU St Petersburg
PH Mabalacat
UA Kyiv
RU St Petersburg
RU Ekaterinburg
CN Hangzhou
RU Nizhniy Novgorod
US Metropolis
US Franklinton
IR Tehran
DE Bad Homburg
ES Madrid
RU Voronezh
RU Kamyshin
RU Moscow
RU Lukoyanov
RU Voronezh
TR Istanbul
RU Nizhniy Novgorod
BG Pleven
RU Ekaterinburg
US North Bergen
US Dallas
RU Volgograd
TR Kayseri
TR Izmir
JP Tokyo
TM Mary
RU Berezniki
CN Qingpu
TH Udon Thani
TR Antalya
IL Yaqum
US Dulles
RU Novocherkassk
RU Liski
RU Shakhty
RU Ekaterinburg
RU Pallasovka
RU Nizhniy Novgorod
NG Alimosho
RO Bucharest
DE Nuremberg
RU Sochi
RU Ekaterinburg
PL Raczki
US Hazleton
JP Zama
RU Voronezh
RU Rossosh‘
CA Toronto
BR Rio de Janeiro
IN Vasai
DE Cologne
TR Bolu
RU Ekaterinburg
DE Karlsruhe
RU Tyumen
BR São Paulo
US Phoenix
BE Dilbeek
FR Paris
MD Chisinau
RU Velikiye Luki
US Buffalo
CA Mississauga
RU Semyonov
UA Kharkiv
RU Ryazan
TR Istanbul
FR Courbevoie
IN Mumbai
DE Eltville
GB Waltham Cross
US Bixby
CA Toronto
CN Tianjin
US Las Vegas
RU St Petersburg
RU Krasnodar
US Phoenix
US Miami
CN Chengdu
CN Jixi
FI Helsinki
IN Bengaluru
IQ Sulaymaniyah
US Santa Cruz
US Atlanta
DE Frankfurt am Main
US Los Angeles
BR Manaus
DE Düsseldorf
JP Toyohashi
US Los Angeles
US Houston
RU St Petersburg
US Piscataway
RU Sochi
AZ Baku
PK Gujrat
IN Chiplun
IN Mumbai
KR Suwon
US Patchogue
NL Amsterdam
CL Santiago
CZ Prague
US Chicago
US Dallas
US Ashburn
UA Popel’naste
RU Velikiye Luki
KE Nairobi
CN Suzhou
CN Changsha
US San Jose
US Pagosa Springs
CN Linyi
RU Derbent
US Lincoln
RO Petrila
IT Milan
US Spring
RO Bucharest
RU Gorodets
RU Balakovo
DE Bad Schwalbach
RU Neryungri
UA Lubny
IT Arezzo
CN Qingdao
CN Wenzhou
SE Partille
US Bonneau
JP Shinagawa
RU Izhevsk
FR Bordeaux
NO Oslo
EG Cairo
CA Toronto
RU Sergiyev Posad
CN Jilin City
US Cheyenne
NZ Auckland
RU Vladikavkaz
RO Galdau
IN Mumbai
RU Petrozavodsk
AM Yerevan
CN Hohhot
US Los Angeles
CN Taizhou
VE Agua Salada
DE Bremen
IE Cork
DE Karlstadt am Main
US Maumelle
CN Baotou
SK Ivanka pri Dunaji
NL Rotterdam
CN Qinhuangdao
RU Liski
CN Hefei
US Concord
RU Irkutsk
RU Nizhnevartovsk
US Denver
RU Sochi
AR Rosario
IQ Baghdad
US Atlanta
RU Vladikavkaz
RU Maykop
RU Ulyanovsk
RU Chita
RU Gelendzhik
CN Guiyang
TR Aydin
TR Ankara
US Jersey City
CN Dalian
IN Hyderabad
DE Berlin
NL Leeuwarden
DE Eltville
GB London
US Ashburn
RO Comanesti
NL Amsterdam
NL Haarlem
FR Saint-Cloud
US Reston
IL Ashdod
US Seattle
US Secaucus
BG Sofia
DK Copenhagen
RU Moscow
DE Frankfurt am Main
RU Yakutsk
UA Sambir
US Chicago
US Charlotte
US Miami
GB London
UA Vinnytsia
GB Truro
RU Podolsk
US Seattle
CN Chongqing
CN Changteh
JP Taito
TR Çorlu
KR Sejong
VN Ho Chi Minh City
IN Panvel
US Ketchikan
CN Kunming
JP Saitama
DE Moerfelden-Walldorf
US Austin
GB London
NG Lagos
NL Amsterdam
NL Naaldwijk
CA Toronto
IL Haifa
MX Ciudad Delicias
DE Essen
KR Suncheon
GB Colne
US Pine Top
PL Warsaw
AL Tirana
UA Chernivtsi
CZ Kraliky
BR Olimpia
KR Seoul
CA Ottawa
RU Nizhnevartovsk
US New York
US Philadelphia
IN Bengaluru
US New York
KR Gwangjin-gu
PK Hyderabad
RU Petrozavodsk
IT Rome
UA Malyn
UA Sloviansk
IN Karjat
RU Reutov
RU Tuapse
UA Yemil’chyne
US Atlanta
BR Centenario do Sul
IT Milan
RU Kopeysk
RU Kolomna
RU Tolyatti
TR Tekirdağ
CN Shangqiu
CN Jianning
CN Xi’an
CN Lecheng
KR Seongnam-si
RU Zelenograd
TR Istanbul
RU Chelyabinsk
TR Antalya
TR Istanbul
JP Nishio
JP Fukuoka
RU Penza
US Macungie
IN Visakhapatnam
PH Manila
AT Vienna
NL Eindhoven
DE Langen
US Chama
CH Zurich
US Roanoke
GB Nottingham
US Washington
SG Singapore
ES Mazarrón
ES Palma del Rio
DE Bonn
IR Tabriz
RU Ozersk
RU Murino
EC Ambato
ES Madrid
US Los Angeles
RU Shakhty
CA Montreal
ZA Port Elizabeth
US Calexico
US Riverview
US Dracut
TR Istanbul
IS Keflavik
RU Olenegorsk
AT Vienna
RU Nazran
CA Montreal
US Malibu
RU Kopeysk
RU Kurgan
UA Drohobych
CN Zibo
RU Stavropol
UA Priozyornoye
DE Ettlingen
RU Kol’chugino
RU Georgiyevsk
RU Pereslavl‘-Zalesskiy
RU Budënnovsk
RU Sel’nikovo
CZ Bystrec
GT Guatemala City
TR Izmir
JP Tokyo
MX Guadalajara
RU Kstovo
RU Magadan
GB London
RU Tyumen
UA Novohrad-Volynskyi
UA Luhansk
RU Irkutsk
US Elk Grove Village
KR Daegu
GB Slough
CN Dongguan
CN Shantou
TR Istanbul
TR Tekirdağ
TR Antalya
TR Ankara
TR Istanbul
TR Bursa
RU Rostov-on-Don
TR Istanbul
TR Istanbul
TR Istanbul
RU Beloozërskiy
SK Nova lubovna
US Lakewood
IT Guardia Sanframondi
TW Pingtung City
IT Turin
US Sugar Land
NL Geldrop
SG Singapore
TR Izmir
US Newland
TR Kosekoy
TR Giresun
GB Long Eaton
DE Pforzheim
DE Wiesbaden
KR Gangneung
DE Bielefeld
DE Buchholz
NL Amsterdam
SE Stockholm
ES Madrid
PT Lisbon
IN Hyderabad
US Canonsburg
ES Villarrobledo
MD Rîbniţa
DE Limburg an der Lahn
RS Belgrade
US Fairhope
US Baltimore
NL Diemen
NO Oslo
US La Jolla
UA Ilarionove
UA Novoukrayinka
HK Kowloon
DE Frankfurt am Main
US Philadelphia
SG Singapore
RU Podstepki
DE Aachen
IN Pune
US Seligman
PH Lipa City
CN Zhanjiang
SC Victoria
DE Düsseldorf
AT Vienna
CA Vancouver
US Colman
US Fremont
US Tampa
RU Kazan’
RU Kirovsk
RU Ulan-Ude
RU Bor
AR San Nicolás de los Arroyos
GR Aigaleo
RU Tolyatti
UA Staryy Sambir
RU Taman‘
BR Tenente Ananias
RU Volodarskiy
ES Alicante
US Leominster
RU Krasnoarmeyskaya
RU Vladivostok
US Houston
SA Riyadh
AU Adelaide
RU Saratov
RU Kem‘
RU Abakan
RU Slavyansk-na-Kubani
CL Nunoa
RU Tyumen
RU Velikiy Ustyug
RU Fryazino
IN Thrissur
RU Khabarovsk
GB London
GB Royston
CA Langley
PL Sławno
JP Tomisato
GB Ebbw Vale
UA Alexandrovsk
US New York
UA Mukacheve
RU Azov
LU Roost
NL Amsterdam
AR Buenos Aires
VN Haiphong
US Miami
CN Fuzhou
CN Quanzhou
CN Luoyang
FR Frignicourt
TR Isparta
RU Taganrog
TR Istanbul
TR Antalya
RU Ekaterinburg
RU Kamyshin
TR Ankara
RU Nizhniy Novgorod
TR Gümüşhane
TR Eskişehir
TR Bursa
TR Trabzon
TR Horasan
TR Izmir
TR Istanbul
RU Moscow
TR Ankara
RU Ekaterinburg
US San Antonio
PL Krakow
US San Francisco
GB City of Westminster
IN Mumbai
JP Toyonaka
US San Jose
CN Shenyang
SA Medina
SV San Salvador
PH La Trinidad
CA Québec
US Boca Raton
CN Huaihua
US San Mateo
PH Cagayan de Oro
US New York
IN Gurgaon
US Jacksonville
GB Slough
US New York
FR Paris
RU Yur’yev-Pol’skiy
US Houston
ES Beniel
DE Mannheim
ES Morón de la Frontera
SG Singapore
BD Dhaka
BD Dhaka
NL Nootdorp
US Seattle
DE Dillenburg
KR Gangseo-gu
US Alexandria
GB Walsall
RU Ufa
FR Strasbourg
ES Chiclana de la Frontera
HN San Pedro Sula
RU Ulyanovsk
UA Druzhkovka
MX Zapopan
US Chicago
FI Vantaa
KR Gunpo
DE Düsseldorf
RU Kropotkin
CN Pudong
GR Athens
IR Karaj
JP Osaka
US Rutherfordton
US Atlanta
US Oklahoma City
RU Khabarovsk
CH Zurich
BD Dhaka
BD Dhaka
CN Xiangtan
RU Krasnoznamensk
NL Alblasserdam
US Cincinnati
RU Korolyov
US Baltimore
US Hilton Head Island
US Odessa
JP Sendai
CO Pasto
RU Yaroslavl
US Henderson
RU Dzerzhinsk
GB Coventry
RU Krasnogorsk
RU Kumertau
GB Glasgow
UA Kivertsi
BY Hrodna
GB London
CZ Prague
RU Vladivostok
RU Belgorod
RU Beslan
RU St Petersburg
MX Mexico City
ZA Alberton
GB Surbiton
RU Gorki-10
TR Kilis
IN Delhi
US Los Angeles
UA Olevs’k
US Bellwood
RU Kopeysk
RU Tyumen
RU Moscow
PH Binangonan
RU Yakutsk
MX Comalcalco
RU Tula
US Kent
RU Obninsk
UA Kytaihorod
RS Kulpin
US Phoenix
US Camarillo
RU Korocha
MN Ulan Bator
US El Paso
EG New Cairo
UA Zolotonosha
US Brooklyn
US Atlanta
RU Chunskiy
RU Elektrostal
RU Domodedovo
RU Rybinsk
DE Hanover
IN Manjeri
UA Chervonyy Donets
RU Lipetsk
CZ Vamberk
IN Guwahati
AU Northcote
CA Montreal
UA Donetsk
IN Jagadhri
UA Bila Tserkva
US Bakersfield
GB Rothwell
LV Riga
US Denver
RU Novoarkhangelka
PL Wlodawa
US Cathedral City
BR Seringueiras
RU Krasnokamensk
US Arlington
TN Menzel Jemil
MD Tighina
NI Managua
IN Mangalore
DE Lüdenscheid
CH Zurich
TH Nakhon Pathom
FR Paris
KR Daejeon
RU Tver
PH Tanay
BG Rousse
BR Vilhena
US Anaheim
AR Salta
FR Paris
UA Brody
AR Gaboto
US Detroit
IT Padova
RU Glazov
MK Skopje
UA Ivano-Frankivsk
RU Kaliningrad
BG Varna
CN Putian
SG Singapore
US Lapel
CO Bogotá
PK Karachi
DE Stuttgart
RU Tomsk
TR Antalya
TR Magnesia ad Sipylum
CN Anyang
CN Luohe
CN Wenling
CN Langfang
CN Huangpu
CN Zhangzhou
CN Xinxiang
CN Haidian
CN Xuzhou
CN Xiaha
CN Huai’an
CN Huizhou
CN Sanhe
CN Jieyang
CN Hengyang
CN Nanyang
CN Xiamen
CN Jining
CN Shanwei
CN Baishacun
CN Rizhao
CA Québec
IT Ferrara
US Dudley
TR Izmir
TR Zonguldak
TR Diyarbakır
TR Kayseri
RU Chelyabinsk
RU Voronezh
RU Voronezh
TR Sanliurfa
RU Nizhniy Novgorod
RU Moskovskiy
TR Ankara
RU Novocherkassk
RU Voronezh
TR Istanbul
TR Ankara
TR Adana
TR Ankara
RU Bataysk
RU Nizhniy Novgorod
RU Buturlinovka
RU Irbit
TR Istanbul
TR Istanbul
TR Izmir
RU Rostov-on-Don
RU Taganrog
TR Ankara
TR Trabzon
SK Bratislava
TR Adana
TR Duezce
TR Skutari
NL Eindhoven
TR Mersin
TR Antalya
TR Mugla
TR Uşak
TR Kirikkale
TR Istanbul
TR Tokat Province
TR Istanbul
TR Ankara
TR Istanbul
TR Istanbul
DE Cologne
TR Adana
TR Izmir
TR Antalya
RU Proletarsk
RU Ekaterinburg
RU Chernovskoye
RU Rossosh‘
RU Gukovo
RU Asbest
RU Belaya Kalitva
RU Ekaterinburg
RU Sim
RU Rostov-on-Don
FR Boulogne-Billancourt
US Kansas City
BY Minsk
RU Mytishchi
US Bristol
DE Ochtrup
ES Madrid
TR Istanbul
TR Ankara
TR Denizli
JP Sakata
AR Villa Ballester
DE Berlin
US Cincinnati
RU Lukhovitsy
BR São Paulo
EC Guayaquil
DE Tecklenburg
DE Nuremberg
US West Jordan
US Vista
AT Piberbach
RU Neftekamsk
US Deerfield
BY Polatsk
CR Santa Ana
GB Salford
CN Zhuhai
DE Hueckelhoven
IN Markapur
RO Craiova
NL Meppel
NL Amsterdam
DE Brietlingen
US Miami
GG St Peter Port
US Fremont
CO Santiago de Cali
IN Kavali
RU Berdsk
US Twin Lake
BD Dhaka
US Atlanta
DE Stuttgart
RU Moscow
KZ Almaty
US Warrenton
US Potomac
RU Serdobsk
SE Stockholm
RU Balashikha
US Edison
BR Santa Isabel
US Augusta
US Miami
DE Gera
DE Netphen
FR Aubervilliers
UA Krasyliv
ES La Puebla de Cazalla
PK Rawalpindi
DE Karlsruhe
NL Rotterdam
DE Berlin
NL Krommenie
CA Montreal
US Boston
RU Podolsk
PR Cidra
SE Stockholm
EC Santo Domingo de los Colorados
AT Gablitz
ES Ingenio
DE Berlin
US Marietta
FR Montpellier
IN Mumbai
US Carson
US Seminole
JP Yao
CA Vancouver
NL Haarlem
CA Baie-D’Urfe
NO Oslo
RO Arcus
KR Goyang-si
CA Airdrie
US Detroit
AE Dubai
US San Antonio
CA Calgary
RU Vladivostok
ID Bekasi
CA LaSalle
GB Northampton
US Chicago
RU Oryol
CA Fort Erie
FR Noeux-les-Mines
US Staten Island
GB Hounslow
NZ New Plymouth
BE Brussels
CA Toronto
US Livonia
US Chicago
BR Camaragibe
GB Gateshead
RU Bet’ki
NZ Hastings
DE Leipzig
FR Asnieres-sur-Seine
IR Mashhad
GB Mitcham
RU Vladivostok
US Newark
US Hemet
RU Korenovsk
CA Verdun
PL Krapkowice
US Coalville
RU Novosibirsk
UA Znamyanka
IN Salem
UA Kamyanka
US Harpswell
IN Khed
ID Tangerang
DE Tangstedt
GB Sheffield
RO Piteşti
KR Mapo-gu
RO Braila
TR Antalya
US Nashville
CZ Brno
BD Mirpur
UA Feodosiya
RU Domodedovo
US Missouri City
US Des Moines
RU Volokonovka
UA Kropyvnytskyi
IN Jalandhar
UA Hayvoron
IT Ponte San Pietro
CN Chanshan
BR Belo Horizonte
RU Novosibirsk
TW Kaohsiung City
HN La Libertad
SE Gothenburg
IT Calcio
FI Paelkaene
RU Vladikavkaz
AU Perth
NL Oostrum
HU Kecel
KR Gangnam-gu
BR Ouro Branco
IN New Delhi
RU Kuleshovka
DE Stuttgart
VE Caracas
GB Liverpool
IN Mumbai
BD Mymensingh
RU Kartaly
US Buffalo
KR Yeongdeungpo-dong
ES Madrid
CH Geneva
RU Konstantinovo
IN Kadapa
CA Port Rowan
RU Kemerovo
CA Arnprior
NZ Christchurch
AR Fontana
US Stephens City
ES Bailen
AR Buenos Aires
EG Giza
RU Moscow
JP Ushiku
US Fremont
US The Colony
AT Admont
RU Belovo
MA Casablanca
RU Tula
GT Guatemala City
UA Derhachi
RU Voskresensk
RU Anzhero-Sudzhensk
UA Dnipropetrovsk
BD Dhaka
US Chicago
HU Hernadvecse
KR Jeju City
ID Balikpapan
TN La Sebala du Mornag
UA Ternopil
UA Pavlohrad
AR San Vicente
RU Tolyatti
US Egg Harbor
DO Santo Domingo Este
GB Manchester
DE Hamburg
AR Buenos Aires
US Charlottesville
GB Aberdeen
GB Uttoxeter
IN Mangalore
US Riverside
FR Saint-Georges-de-Mons
EC Quevedo
CA Sydenham
PK Lahore
PS Rafah
RU Zheleznogorsk
DE Nuremberg
CA Leduc
RU Armavir
RU Sochi
SA Jeddah
DE Pinneberg
RU Moscow
KR Hwaseong-si
MX Tlaquepaque
RU Tyumen
US Garden Grove
US Lenoir
RU Podolsk
UA Korosten
GB London
RU Voskresensk
US Calumet City
TJ Dushanbe
GB Blackpool
US Fremont
US San Antonio
UA Berehove
ES Barcelona
RO Bucharest
UA Khust
BR Guarulhos
RU Pushkino
US Bend
GB Nelson
BR Vitorino
US Hillsboro
EC Atuntaqui
RU Angarsk
US Jackson
DK Horsens
RU Zarechnyy
QA Doha
RU Tver
RU Dinskaya
RU Reutov
CZ Zamberk
US San Francisco
PT Porto
RU Leskolovo
SE Hasselby
RU Sergiyev Posad
RU Skhodnya
RU Moscow
PT Armacao de Pera
PL Bluszczow
UA Izmail
RO Bucharest
RO Bucharest
IN Ghaziabad
KR Yongin-si
KR Yeongdeungpo-gu
FR Marseille
DE Heidelberg
ID Terbanggi Besar
GB Fleet
TW Chang-hua
DE Barsinghausen
US Newburgh
PE Lima
US Greensboro
US Enterprise
RU Minusinsk
BR São Bernardo do Campo
RU Chelyabinsk
ES Ronda
US Trinidad
US Chicago
CA Edmonton
JP Saitama
JP Kashiba
JP Sendai
EG Helwan
CA Rankin Inlet
ES Marbella
ES San Cristóbal de La Laguna
MX Rio Grande
DE Beckum
ZA Johannesburg
US Shepherd
US Corbin
NL Laren
HU Budapest
US Concord
BE Brussels
US Dover
US Tampa
AR Merlo
US Morrisville
CH Utzenstorf
MA Marrakesh
US Leesburg
JP Ōtsu
CN Huaishu
RU Artëm
BR Sao Joao do Rio do Peixe
FR Bavilliers
CN Fengtai
CN Loudi
CN Xinpu
CN Gaoyao
CN Shanghai
CN Zhaoqing
CN Shouguang
CN Yancheng
CN Yaocheng
CN Huzhou
CN Guozhen
CN Qujing
CN Luxi
CN Xiabancheng
CN Tangdukou
CN Dongying
CN Ningde
CN Xiangcheng Chengguanzhen
CN Rui’an
CN Binzhou
CN Baita
CN Cangzhou
CN Hailun
CN Harbin
CN Henan
CN Zhongshan
CN Baoding
CN Gaoqiao
CN Tiantai Chengguanzhen
CN Huichang
CN Yulin
CN Mianyang
CN Yongzhou
CN Gulou
CN Liqiao
CN Xinfu
US Oceanport
CN Lu’an
CN Baihua
CN Jinniu
CN Shiyan
CN Puyang Chengguanzhen
CN Jin’an
CN Nangang
CN Jinzhou
CN Pingdingshan
NO Oslo
CN Daqian
CN Nantong
CN Shaoguan
CN Baoshucun
CN Shanweicun
CN Nanqiao
CN Maoming
CN Meizhou
CN Gaochong
CN Qiqihar
CN Kaifeng
CN Zhumadian
CN Zhoukou
CN Xiaodian
CN Laocheng
CN Xiangyang
CN Xinhualu
CN Hengshui
CN Fengjia
CN Sanmenxia
CN Zhangjiagang
CN Sanming
CN Yangpu
CN Weinan
IT Milan
MX Naucalpan
US Houston

DIESE Zweibeiner

Des Teufels linkes Bein sagt man bei uns…
DAS sind sie

Muss man(n) höllisch auspassen,
Leidensgenossen, DAS Hirn darf NICHT zwischen die…
Beine rutschen UND SCHON haben wir VERLOREN


Und trotzdem IST ES gut das wir sie haben…
Stellt euch vor es gäbe sie nicht, es wäre ja richtig langweilig…
Auf WENN sollen wir DANN stundenlang warten, wir würden ja in unserem eigenen Dreck ersticken,

Verhungern wie es mir mal eine ehemalige Kollegin sagte…
„Vor der OFFENEN Kühlschranktür“
Irgendjemand muss doch hinter uns aufräumen…
Gewisse Zwänge auferlegen.

Nein NEIN…
Es IST GUT das wir sie haben, jemanden der auf uns aufpasst…
So vor uns her stinken.

Metrosexuel (…)
Für wen, wenn es sie nicht gäbe?

UND AUCH ist es gelegentlich erforderlich…
Die HOSEN anzuziehen, ich habe sie „nie“ ausgezogen aber…
Viele andere haben sie verloren


🙂 🙂 🙂

Sikilmeye doymayanları bırakacaksın arkadaş, yesin bol bol yarak

Çık çık çık,
Ayyy NE ayıp…
Ama çok güldüm. Beklemediğim bir şeydi

🙂 🙂 🙂

Ağza acı biber sürülmeli