DEDIM sana kendini toparla açtırma bana arşivlerimi

„Turkish intelligence agency MIT’s secret rendition flight and black torture site exposed: report
By SCF –October 2, 2020

CASA-235 type transport plane operated by the Turkish Armed Forces and used by the Turkish intelligence agency MIT in rendition flights.

Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı, or MİT) operated a secret rendition flight and initiated a torture session on the spy plane when it abducted a critic of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan from Kazakhstan and later subjected the victim to further torture and abuse at a black site near the airport in Ankara, court documents obtained by Nordic Monitor have revealed.

Testifying at the Kocaeli 5th High Criminal Court on April 3, 2018, Zabit Kişi, 48-year-old primary school teacher, told the judges how he was beaten on the plane during the three-hour flight from Almaty to Ankara after his abduction. The agents started hitting him on the head and in the genitals while he was blindfolded and handcuffed from behind. He passed out from the blows he received to his head, but the abuse continued after a member of the MIT team checked to make sure he still had a pulse.




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