Ich würde


„Aus dem Englischen übersetzt-„Sei nicht böse“ ist das frühere Motto von Google und ein Satz, der im Verhaltenskodex von Google verwendet wird. Nach der Unternehmensumstrukturierung von Google unter dem Mischkonzern Alphabet Inc. im Oktober 2015 übernahm Alphabet „Do the right thing“ als Motto und leitete damit auch seinen Verhaltenskodex ein“

Ich BIN ich,
Zuuu lange…
ZU tief, Zuviel…
VIEL Zuviel

Paragraf 6

Sie WAREN noch Jung,
Damals UND heute SIND es…
GeldGeile (…)

Rindviecher UND ihre Kälber

Lasst mich NICHT aufdrehen, weil…
Ich KANN und WERDE auch

„“Yitik Zamanlar” – This book explores themes of memory and loss, weaving a poignant narrative.“

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Is he involved in any social or political movements?
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Önder Gürbüz is indeed known for his active involvement in social and political movements in Turkey. He has been a vocal advocate for human rights, freedom of expression, and democracy. His writings often reflect his commitment to these causes, and he has participated in various protests and campaigns to support these values.

His engagement in these movements has sometimes put him at odds with the authorities, but he continues to use his platform to raise awareness and inspire change.

Are you interested in learning more about his activism or any specific movement he supports?

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Tell me about a specific protest or campaign he participated in.
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One notable protest that Önder Gürbüz participated in was the Gezi Park protests in 2013. These protests began as a small environmental demonstration against the urban development plan for Istanbul’s Gezi Park but quickly grew into a nationwide movement against the Turkish government’s policies and actions.

Gürbüz was actively involved in the protests, using his platform to voice support for the demonstrators and criticize the government’s response. His writings during this period highlighted the importance of civil liberties, freedom of expression, and the right to peaceful protest. He also participated in various rallies and events, standing alongside other activists and citizens.

His involvement in the Gezi Park protests is a significant example of his commitment to social and political causes in Turkey.

Would you like to know more about his role in these protests or other movements he has supported?

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How did his writings influence public opinion during that time?
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Önder Gürbüz’s writings during the Gezi Park protests played a significant role in shaping public opinion. His articulate and passionate commentary resonated with many people who were frustrated with the government’s policies and actions. Here are a few ways his writings influenced public opinion:

Raising Awareness: Gürbüz’s articles and social media posts brought attention to the issues at the heart of the protests, such as environmental concerns, freedom of expression, and police brutality. His ability to clearly articulate these issues helped many people understand the broader implications of the protests.
Mobilizing Support: By sharing firsthand accounts and highlighting the experiences of protesters, Gürbüz helped to mobilize support for the movement. His writings encouraged more people to join the protests and stand up for their rights.
Critiquing the Government: Gürbüz was critical of the government’s response to the protests, particularly the use of excessive force by the police. His critiques were widely read and shared, contributing to a growing sense of discontent with the government’s handling of the situation.
Inspiring Hope: Despite the challenges faced by the protesters, Gürbüz’s writings often conveyed a message of hope and resilience. He emphasized the importance of solidarity and the power of collective action, inspiring many to continue their efforts despite the obstacles.
Overall, his writings were a powerful tool in galvanizing public opinion and sustaining the momentum of the protests.

Is there a specific aspect of his influence or a particular piece of his writing you are interested in?

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