Es tut mir leid Israel NICHT du bist mein Ziel aber du BIST nun mal Mittel zum Zweck. NEIN mein erklärtes Ziel IST UND BLEIBT das Kartell

Fangen wir mit den Engländern an, habe sie in der letzten Zeit etwas vernachlässigt:

„Rechteverletzende israelische Politik stellt Verbrechen der Apartheid und Verfolgung dar Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit sollten Verfahren auslösen, um Unterdrückung von Palästinensern zu beenden

Das palästinensische Gebiet Kufr Aqab, das größtenteils in den Zuständigkeitsbereich der israelisch verwalteten Jerusalemer Stadtverwaltung fällt, ist effektiv vom Rest der Stadt abgeschnitten, da es auf der Westbank-Seite der Trennmauer liegt. © 2018 AFP/Getty“

WER sagt das?

Human Rights Watch

Ein Bericht

JETZT wir es wichtig, als NUR ein Beispiel:

„March 31, 2022

The AGM-114 HELLFIRE Family of Missiles includes the HELLFIRE II and Longbow HELLFIRE Missiles
. HELLFIRE II is a precision strike, Semi-Active Laser (SAL)-guided missile and is the principal air-to-ground weapon for the Army AH-64 Apache, MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), Special Operations aircraft, Marine Corps AH-1W Super Cobra, and Air Force Predator and Reaper UAS.

The SAL HELLFIRE II missile is guided by laser energy reflected off the target. It has three warhead variants: a dual-warhead, shaped-charge, high-explosive anti-tank capability for armored targets (AGM-114K); a blast fragmentation warhead for urban, patrol boat, and other “soft” targets (AGM-114M); and a metal-augmented charge warhead (AGM-114N) for urban structures, bunkers, radar sites, communications installations, and bridges.

Beginning in 2012, a HELLFIRE II multipurpose warhead variant (AGM-114R) became available to the Warfighter and allows for selection of warhead effects corresponding to a specific target type. The AMG-114R took the place of the K/M/N warhead capability and can be launched from Army rotary-wing and UAS platforms. It also provides the pilot with increased operational flexibility.

The Longbow HELLFIRE (AGM-114L) is a precision strike missile using Millimeter Wave (MMW) radar guidance instead of the HELLFIRE II’s SAL. It is the principal anti-tank system for the AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopter and uses the same anti-armor warhead as the HELLFIRE II. The MMW seeker provides beyond-line-of-sight, fire-and-forget capability, as well as the ability to operate in adverse weather and battlefield obscurants.


HELLFIRE provides the Warfighter with an air-to-ground, point-target precision strike capability to defeat advanced armor and an array of traditional and nontraditional targets.


Diameter: 7 inches
Weight: 99.8-107 pounds
Length: 64-69 inches
HELLFIRE II AGM-114R maximum range:
Direct fire: 7.1 km
Indirect fire: 8 km
Minimum range: 0.5-1.5 km

FY16–FY18: HELLFIRE II missiles procured annually to replace combat expenditures
FY18-FY20: K, M, and N Models are no longer in Production


Laser HELLFIRE to continue in Production
Longbow HELLFIRE to continue Sustainment activities“