WENN wunderts???

BlackRock macht Gewinnsprung im zweiten Quartal

Der weltgrösste Vermögensverwalter BlackRock hat seinen Gewinn dank der Investitionsfreude der Anleger in seine verschiedenen Markt-Fonds gesteigert.

14.07.2023 13:04“


Leute, LEUTE!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh JA!
1000 Entlassungen

Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisinde Arapça

Kürtçeyi falan gördük…
Eyvallah, geçmişin izleri…
Bu büyük milletin kır çiçekleri benzeri çeşitliliğinin bir göstergesi…
Genel bir tartışma ortamında herkesin anlayamayacağı bir dil…
Ve YINE insan olarak kişilik sahibi Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk…
Ne demişti?
“Arapça dilimizde sökülüp atılamaz … Osmanlı … Geçmişin yanlışları”

Mikro Milliyetçiler sizi…
Göt kılı milliyetçileri, DIL birliği…
Ancak ve ancak herkes ayni dili konuşursa, konuşabilirse…

BIR elin NESI, iki elin sesi!!!

Мої співвітчизники-українці, будь ласка, прочитайте це уважно. Цілком можливо, що він… ЦРУ! Запитайте себе, звідки беруться мільйони і… ЧОМУ ви, ваші сини і чоловіки повинні вмирати?


Пам’ять підказує мені, що це було 150 мільйонів. Я маю на увазі…
Я це довів, ти ж знаєш, що тут брехня заборонена.

— Дуже надійне джерело —


BEIDES „wichtig“



Penetrationstest – Sızma testi – Penetration test

Ich dachte ich soll nicht mehr?

DAS war gut!

🙂 🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂

Es reicht


Lass mich DAS noch, Antwort von der Google KI,
Aber größtenteils hatte ich ja schon. Wenn auch oberflächlich…
Mein Arsch

„The RAND Corporation has published several reports on Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Turkey’s political and military landscape. These reports have analyzed Erdoğan’s domestic and foreign policy, his relationship with the United States, and the implications of his presidency for Turkey’s future.

One of the most notable RAND reports on Erdoğan is „Turkey’s Nationalist Course: Implications for the U.S.-Turkish Strategic Partnership and the U.S. Army.“ This report, published in 2016, argued that Erdoğan’s increasingly nationalist policies were alienating Turkey’s Western allies and could lead to a more unpredictable and less cooperative Turkish foreign policy.

Another RAND report, „The Future of Israeli-Turkish Relations,“ published in 2017, examined the potential for a thaw in relations between Turkey and Israel. The report found that while there were some obstacles to improved relations, there were also opportunities for cooperation on issues such as counterterrorism and energy security.

In 2020, RAND published a report on the U.S.-Turkish relationship, entitled „A Way Forward for the United States and Turkey.“ This report argued that the United States and Turkey needed to find a way to manage their differences in order to maintain a productive strategic partnership.

The RAND Corporation’s reports on Erdoğan and Turkey provide valuable insights into the country’s political and military landscape. These reports are essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the challenges and opportunities facing Turkey in the 21st century.

Here are some links to the RAND reports mentioned above:

Turkey’s Nationalist Course: Implications for the U.S.-Turkish Strategic Partnership and the U.S. Army: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2589.html

The Future of Israeli-Turkish Relations: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2445.html

A Way Forward for the United States and Turkey: https://www.rand.org/blog/2020/07/a-way-forward-for-the-united-states-and-turkey.html“


Und das,

„The CIA has had a long and complicated relationship with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. In the early days of Erdoğan’s political career, the CIA was seen as a valuable ally in the fight against the PKK, a Kurdish militant group that has been waging a decades-long insurgency against the Turkish government. However, as Erdoğan’s political views became more Islamist and authoritarian, the CIA’s relationship with him became increasingly strained.

In 2013, the CIA was caught up in the aftermath of the Gezi Park protests, a series of large-scale demonstrations against Erdoğan’s government. The CIA was accused of supporting the protesters, and Erdoğan expelled several CIA officials from Turkey.

In recent years, the CIA’s relationship with Erdoğan has continued to deteriorate. The CIA has been critical of Erdoğan’s human rights record, and Erdoğan has accused the CIA of supporting the Gülen movement, a religious movement that Erdoğan has branded as a terrorist organization.

In 2017, the CIA reportedly warned Erdoğan that he was on a list of targets for the Gülen movement. This warning reportedly led Erdoğan to purge his government of suspected Gülenists, including high-ranking military officers and judges.

The CIA’s relationship with Erdoğan is likely to remain complex and unpredictable in the years to come. The two countries have a shared interest in fighting terrorism, but they also have deep political differences. It remains to be seen how these differences will be managed in the future.

Here are some specific examples of the CIA’s interactions with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan:

In 2005, CIA Director Porter Goss met with Erdoğan in Ankara to discuss cooperation on counterterrorism.

In 2013, the CIA was expelled from Turkey after being accused of supporting the Gezi Park protests.

In 2017, the CIA reportedly warned Erdoğan that he was on a list of targets for the Gülen movement.

It is important to note that the CIA has never publicly confirmed or denied any of these interactions. However, they have been reported by a variety of news sources, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian.“

Wie gesagt,
Scheiß auf KI…
Es gibt und WAS ALLES ES GIBT…
Meine WeltEN…
— Hızlı yaşa genç öl —



Tut es nicht, zwingt mich nicht…
Es reicht, MENSCH hat genug Probleme…
HUNGER in der Welt…
Es reicht!

Microsoft, Google…
Künstliche „Inteligenz“
Scheiß drauf…

Es gibt Dinge, Sachen davon träumt ihr nicht mal!

— Auch eine künstliche NÜTZT NIX wenn nicht vorhanden DAS Wissen um (…) ist —



Komm Mädchen geh nach hause…
Sowas IST gleich ein paar nummern ZU groß für dich

Evet, BORSA 6428

DALDIM belgesellere

Aklımdan neler geçti,
NELERI hatırladım NELERI

Guckts du, WICHTIG

WICHTIG weil AUCH Klima,
DIE Erdumrundung…
SONNE usw. es gibt VIELES…
Aber ich bin NICHT mehr der Alte.


Es gibt kein Perpetuum mobile?
DIE Erde!


„Elon Musk startet neue KI-Firma
Elon Musk fordert mit einer neuen Firma OpenAI und Google heraus. Für den Start kann er prominente Fachkräfte gewinnen. Er selbst ist Chef – damit leitet er sechs Unternehmen.
Stephan Scheuer
13.07.2023 – 06:50 Uhr“


WENN ich könnte wie ich wollte…
MÜSSTE aberrrrrrrr