Al sana…
AMerika, 290 bin YENI…
1800 ölen!
Alman ntv…
Sikin be…
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ∙ Ne mutlu Türküm diyene, diyebilene
Al sana…
AMerika, 290 bin YENI…
1800 ölen!
Alman ntv…
Sikin be…
Dövize bak…
Bir Mehmetçiğin hayati, donanımı…
“Bir” Tayyip Lirası.
BIR istihbarat örgütü var ki…
Sızamadı içine…
Hazırlıklı olun.
„Medienberichten zufolge besteht C.1.2 aus 59 Mutationen, die in anderen Varianten, beispielsweise der Delta-Variante, ebenso vorkommen und für ein höheres Ansteckungsrisiko sorgen. Unterschiede sind vor allem am Spike-Protein auszumachen, das verantwortlich sei „für das Andocken des Virus, an die menschlichen Zellen und gegebenenfalls auch für das Entkommen des Immunsystems“, erklärte Virologe Martin Stürmer im Gespräch mit Deutschlandfunk. Bislang gibt es noch wenig aussagekräftige Forschungsergebnisse.“
„Corona-Zahlen steigen: Mehr Infektionen in Pflegeheimen
dpa vor 48 Min.
Die Zahl der Corona-Ansteckungen in Brandenburg nimmt weiter zu. In den vergangenen sieben Tagen infizierten sich 37,5 von 100.000 Menschen, wie das Robert Koch-Institut am Mittwoch mitteilte. Das war deutlich mehr als am Mittwoch vor einer Woche, als es 28,3 waren. Verglichen mit Dienstag (36,4) gab es jedoch nur einen leichten Anstieg. Gesundheitsministerin Ursula Nonnemacher äußerte sich besorgt über die Zunahme von Corona-Fällen in Pflegeheimen. Auch die Zahl der stationär behandelten Covid-Patienten im Land stieg. Die allermeisten von ihnen sind nicht geimpft.“
Son zamanlarda hastalanıp ölenlerin çoğunluğunu gençler…
☹ ☹ ☹
Çocuklar oluşturuyor, okullar falan…
Çoğalmalı. ZATEN bilimde sonbahar diyor, yani…
Birçok daha kötüsü gerekli…
Millete TEKRAR panik yaşatmalı…
Çin’den gelen ekonomik haberler iyi, doğruysa tabii?!
Milleti becermeli!!!
Eğer Önder hâkli çıkarsa…
Görecekler gerçekleri en geç bir nesil sonra…
Yani 20 – 30 sene sonra çıkacak her şey meydana. ZATEN…
Birçok ülkenin YASAL süresi (genelde 30 – 50 sene, bazen 100, 120)
Devletin GIZLISI…
Bati balık yan gider. Can çekişiyorum…
Hem öyle hem böyle…
Bezmişim “hayatımdan”
Global Deaths 4.590.004
„Österreich verschärft Corona-Maßnahmen für Ungeimpfte
vor 2 Std.
In Österreich wird das Leben für Menschen, die nicht gegen Corona geimpft oder von einer Erkrankung genesen sind, deutlich unbequemer.
Österreichs Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (r.) und Gesundheitsminister Wolfgang Mückstein erläutern bei einer Pressekonferenz den Stufenplan Quelle: dpa/Robert Jaeger© dpa/Robert Jaeger Österreichs Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (r.) und Gesundheitsminister Wolfgang Mückstein erläutern bei einer Pressekonferenz den Stufenplan Quelle: dpa/Robert Jaeger
Die Regierung hat am Mittwoch angesichts der steigenden Zahl der Neuinfektionen einen Stufenplan beschlossen, der bei starker Belastung der Kliniken den Zugang zu Veranstaltungen und in Gaststätten nur noch mit PCR-Tests oder Impfung ermöglicht. In einer ersten Phase ab 15. September müssen ungeimpfte Menschen unter anderem beim Einkaufen wieder eine FFP2-Maske tragen, für Geimpfte gilt eine dringende Empfehlung. Außerdem wird die Gültigkeitsdauer von Corona-Antigentests von 48 auf 24 Stunden verringert.“
„Verheerende Auswirkung von Covid-19 auf andere Krankheiten
dpa vor 5 Std.
Die Covid-19-Pandemie wirkt sich katastrophal auf den Kampf gegen andere schwerwiegende Krankheiten aus. Das berichtete der Globale Fonds zur Bekämpfung von Aids, Tuberkulose und Malaria am Mittwoch in Genf.“
>>> ANLAYANA <<<
„Mayday: The Canister on the Bed, Radio 4, 20 November 2020 02 September 2021 Complaint The programme, part of a series on aspects of the conflict in Syria, dealt with the chemical weapons attack at Douma, which it described as “one of the most contested events in the war”, and included an account of the role subsequently played by a former inspector with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), known pseudonymously as Alex, who had expressed concerns about the OPCW’s conclusions on the matter. The journalist Peter Hitchens complained that the programme had been inaccurate in insinuating that Alex’s disclosures had been motivated by a reward of $100,000 offered by WikiLeaks, that he believed the attack had been staged, and that he had made his views known only through “a select few journalists who share the Russian and Syrian state views on the war”. The ECU considered the complaint in the light of the BBC’s editorial standards of due accuracy. Outcome The programme, having referred to Alex’s disclosures in the winter of 2019, said it was “interesting” that they “came at a time when WikiLeaks was offering a $100,000 reward for any leaked material relating to the Douma incident”. The ECU agreed that this amounted to an insinuation about Alex’s motives. It considered the evidence, some of it from confidential sources, which had led the programme-makers to believe the insinuation justified, but judged that, although it was such as to warrant reporting (on an attributed basis) that Alex’s motives had been questioned, it was not strong enough to warrant the programme itself calling them into question. Similarly, the programme’s statement that Alex “believed the attack was staged” seemed to the ECU to rest on evidence which, although strongly suggestive, was not so conclusive as to justify stating as a fact that he believed the attack to have been staged. As to Alex’s dealings with journalists, although he had collaborated with journalists who held broadly the same views on the war as the Russian and Syrian governments, he had also collaborated with journalists of whom that could not be said (Mr Hitchens among them). The ECU found that, although they were limited to one aspect of a investigation into a complex and hotly contested subject, these points represented a failure to meet the standard of accuracy appropriate to a programme of this kind. The ECU noted that a posting about one point of the complaint had been made on the Corrections and Clarifications page of but, as it was not reflected in the extended version of the programme which continued to available on BBC Sounds and the website of the series, it did not suffice to resolve the issue in question. Upheld Further action The finding was reported to the Board of BBC News and discussed with the programme-makers in question.“
>>> Sikin!!! <<<
Sol tarafım, günlerden beri evde yoktum…
Ciyak ciyak…
İçeceklerim soğuk olmalı, buzdolabını almadım yanıma…
Balta, bıçak gibi…
Gerekli hazırlıklar yapıldı. Allah…
Almaz bu canı?
Ki eski stratejimdir…
>>> bilişim <<<
Sorunlara mesafe bırakmalı…
Dinçleşir, gözler keskinleşir.
Bugün haberlerde…
Örneğin Merkez Bankası açıklamaları…
Bulmuşlar sığırları…
Gelişen silah sanayisi…
Tayyipistan bölgede 2…
IKI numaralı “güç” BIR NUMARALI jandarma olmazsa…
Gel yüzüme tükür…
Uşaklar sizi.
“Bir numaralı” güç mü?
Yazmadım mı bir Amerikan askerinin maliyetini…
Can ulan can BATIDA ne kadar değerli haberin var mı?
Senin benim gibi geri zekâlı mi?
“Vatan sağ olsun”
Haber kaynaklarım…
Doğrudandır, dolaylı değil…
Bugün Afganlı “Amerika ISTEDI, Taliban geldi”
Tayyip misali…
HEPSI kalleş Müslüman kalleşleri bunlar…
Besleyip büyüttüğü elli, BATI BILE KABUL EDIYOR…
Akademik çevreler, bilirkişiler VE düşünce kuruluşları…
Bu raundun kazananı…
Önce Çin, sonra Rus.
Söylesene Allah aşkına, Tayyipgillerin onun bunun sikinde miyiz…
Ölüyor muyuz, aç mıyız, tok mu?
Sikinde miyiz???